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Speaker Repair / Questions

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 03 Mar 2003 18:39:25

Okay, so while I am waiting for some tubes for the Dual Showman, I examined
the speakers and wiring closely to make sure it was okay. I noticed that the
D130F has a small (1/4 inch) rip in the thicker rubberized area of the cone
thats next to the frame. Any ideas?
A guy on the FDP suggested I could "dope" it myself, and he offered up a
recipe involving contact cement and acetone. Since its so small this sounds
somewhat promising.
I could also send the speaker to someplace like Weber or a few other places
and have it reconed. They would also check the whole thing out for me. That
runs about $60 plus all the shipping.
If worse came to worse I guess I could try to buy another one off E-bay.
Anyone know how much these run? $120?
Is there a comparable modern speaker that I could replace it with? Or would
I be shot for even considering such an idea -a Showman w/o JBL's! :)
Again, thanks for any input.
I'll probably leave it for now until I get the head up and running.


DP (noetical1) - 03 Mar 2003 18:54:07

you may not believe this...but my cat got into my '63
Bassman 4X12 and thrashed one of my speakers in a way
similar to what you described. I tried two fixes: i
repaired one spot with clear laquer and cotton reume paper
patch...that worked okay. I then repaired another small
spot with cotton resume paper patch and rubber
cement...that patch worked great...still holding after 7
years. Just some home-made advice. If I had the
money...I'd get it proffessionally repaired. I wouldn/\'t
replace it with a modern speaker...unless you keep the old
one...the next owner will thank you for the original
vintage parts.
good luck,
--- Brian Neal <> wrote:
> Okay, so while I am waiting for some tubes for the Dual
> Showman, I examined
> the speakers and wiring closely to make sure it was okay.
> I noticed that the
> D130F has a small (1/4 inch) rip in the thicker
> rubberized area of the cone
> thats next to the frame. Any ideas?
> A guy on the FDP suggested I could "dope" it myself, and
> he offered up a
> recipe involving contact cement and acetone. Since its so
> small this sounds
> somewhat promising.
> I could also send the speaker to someplace like Weber or
> a few other places
> and have it reconed. They would also check the whole
> thing out for me. That
> runs about $60 plus all the shipping.
> If worse came to worse I guess I could try to buy another
> one off E-bay.
> Anyone know how much these run? $120?
> Is there a comparable modern speaker that I could replace
> it with? Or would
> I be shot for even considering such an idea -a Showman
> w/o JBL's! :)
> Again, thanks for any input.
> I'll probably leave it for now until I get the head up
> and running.
> BN
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Jaeger44 (windansea_63) - 03 Mar 2003 20:07:50

You regularly see D130Fs on eBay ..
Another place that seems to have them on hand is:
Though I have to admit they're a bit pricey.
Also has 130Fs on occassion.
It might be considered heresy to use anything but D130F s
with a Showman! ;O)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Neal" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 7:39 PM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Speaker Repair / Questions
> Okay, so while I am waiting for some tubes for the Dual Showman, I examined
> the speakers and wiring closely to make sure it was okay. I noticed that the
> D130F has a small (1/4 inch) rip in the thicker rubberized area of the cone
> thats next to the frame. Any ideas?
> A guy on the FDP suggested I could "dope" it myself, and he offered up a
> recipe involving contact cement and acetone. Since its so small this sounds
> somewhat promising.
> I could also send the speaker to someplace like Weber or a few other places
> and have it reconed. They would also check the whole thing out for me. That
> runs about $60 plus all the shipping.
> If worse came to worse I guess I could try to buy another one off E-bay.
> Anyone know how much these run? $120?
> Is there a comparable modern speaker that I could replace it with? Or would
> I be shot for even considering such an idea -a Showman w/o JBL's! :)
> Again, thanks for any input.
> I'll probably leave it for now until I get the head up and running.
> BN
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