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last post. Votr the Hydrosonics to "Suikerrock"

Jerry Belgacom.Net (wipeoutboy63) - 29 Apr 2006 14:49:54

Hi all,
Well, just before the list closes down, I would like to ask you a favour.
We, the Hydrosonics, are selected (among 29 other bands to play a rather
huge festival in Belgium, called Suikerrock) and we are the only Surf band.
So, I know most of you won't have the chance to see us playing there, but
you could help us out (If you want to)
The thing is, the 13 bands with the most votes, get to play the festival,
the others not.
So, If you got 2 minutes to spare,
Surf to <> (the site of a TV station similar
to MTV)
-> and click on 'win!win!win!'
-> Click on 'JIM talent stage'
-> Click on nr 11 'THE HYDROSONICS'
-> fill in your e-mailadres in and press on 'MY VOTE'
-> You will recieve an e- mail with a link which you have to click on to
confirm your vote.
It would just be nice to see an instro surf band between lots of metal and
rock bands, just for a change ;-)
Thanks a lot!
Jerry S. <>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


pineapple_geoff - 13 May 2006 23:11:10

Well, I voted for you !
Good tunes on your website. Any CD yet ?
Good luck.
--- In , "Jerry Belgacom.Net"
<jerry.soetewey@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well, just before the list closes down, I would like to ask you a
> We, the Hydrosonics, are selected (among 29 other bands to play a
> huge festival in Belgium, called Suikerrock) and we are the only
Surf band.
> So, I know most of you won't have the chance to see us playing
there, but
> you could help us out (If you want to)
> The thing is, the 13 bands with the most votes, get to play the
> the others not.
> So, If you got 2 minutes to spare,
> Surf to <> (the site of a TV station
> to MTV)
> -> and click on 'win!win!win!'
> -> Click on 'JIM talent stage'
> -> Click on nr 11 'THE HYDROSONICS'
> -> fill in your e-mailadres in and press on 'MY VOTE'
> -> You will recieve an e- mail with a link which you have to click
on to
> confirm your vote.
> It would just be nice to see an instro surf band between lots of
metal and
> rock bands, just for a change ;-)
> Thanks a lot!
> Jerry S.
> <>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
