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Oh man, oh man, oh man....

Bill Bergstrom (surfbandbill) - 28 Feb 2003 14:02:17

Well well, I've been quite the busy boy honing my sound to near-
perfection (at long last). I've been tinkering, snatching up gear,
and just toying around in general a whole hell of a lot. I guess
I'll start by saying I finally listened to everyone's ever-so-wise
suggestion of going with flatwounds on my Jag. With the new Seymour
Duncan vintage pickups I stuck in there back in January, that guitar
has become about the sweetest sounding thing on the planet. But I
didn't stop there...
The music shop I work in has had a Danelectro Hodad hanging on the
wall since I started there, and finally I gave in to the temptation
and picked it up about a week ago. I just got the chance to play it
with the band this week, and man, can that thing crank. It's got
two lipsticks wired together to sound like a humbucker, but with the
push-pull tone pots, you can really generate a lot of twang. Damn
shame we didn't have the one with the trem arm on it, but oh well,
now it's the rhythm guitar of choice for the upcoming CD.
As if that weren't enough... I'm FINALLY fulfilling my dream, and
picking up the American, Sherwood Green Jazzmaster that's been on
the wall of Haight-Ashbury Music for the last five years. On a near-
monthly basis, I'd go in and drool over it, so finally I started
talking to the manager seriously about what kind of a deal I could
get, and since that store is affiliated with my shop, I was able to
finally settle on a price I could get to and still be able to drive
a Cadillac. I pick it up on Sunday, so lord knows I'll be sitting
around nervously fidgeting until that day rolls around.
Any other tips y'all could give me? What kind of strings for the
Jazzmaster? Is it safe to assume that the flat 11s I have on the
Jag will sound as sweet on the JM? BN - you want to sell me that
useless, underpowereded Showman that's caused you all that
stress? ;) I'm playing through an old Twin Reverb with a
Danelectro Overdrive pedal, Dan-echo Delay, and of course, Fender
Reverb tank with the cap/tube mod faithfully done by the Nebulas
(from whom I scored the tank).
Any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated. Except from Dano ;)
~Surfband Bill~


DP (noetical1) - 28 Feb 2003 14:11:11

My Dano Hodad kicks bootay...
I was fortunate enough to get one with a whamo-bar...
It's a swell surf machine.
--- "Bill Bergstrom <>"
<> wrote:
> Well well, I've been quite the busy boy honing my sound
> to near-
> perfection (at long last). I've been tinkering,
> snatching up gear,
> and just toying around in general a whole hell of a lot.
> I guess
> I'll start by saying I finally listened to everyone's
> ever-so-wise
> suggestion of going with flatwounds on my Jag. With the
> new Seymour
> Duncan vintage pickups I stuck in there back in January,
> that guitar
> has become about the sweetest sounding thing on the
> planet. But I
> didn't stop there...
> The music shop I work in has had a Danelectro Hodad
> hanging on the
> wall since I started there, and finally I gave in to the
> temptation
> and picked it up about a week ago. I just got the chance
> to play it
> with the band this week, and man, can that thing crank.
> It's got
> two lipsticks wired together to sound like a humbucker,
> but with the
> push-pull tone pots, you can really generate a lot of
> twang. Damn
> shame we didn't have the one with the trem arm on it, but
> oh well,
> now it's the rhythm guitar of choice for the upcoming CD.
> As if that weren't enough... I'm FINALLY fulfilling my
> dream, and
> picking up the American, Sherwood Green Jazzmaster that's
> been on
> the wall of Haight-Ashbury Music for the last five years.
> On a near-
> monthly basis, I'd go in and drool over it, so finally I
> started
> talking to the manager seriously about what kind of a
> deal I could
> get, and since that store is affiliated with my shop, I
> was able to
> finally settle on a price I could get to and still be
> able to drive
> a Cadillac. I pick it up on Sunday, so lord knows I'll
> be sitting
> around nervously fidgeting until that day rolls around.
> Any other tips y'all could give me? What kind of strings
> for the
> Jazzmaster? Is it safe to assume that the flat 11s I
> have on the
> Jag will sound as sweet on the JM? BN - you want to sell
> me that
> useless, underpowereded Showman that's caused you all
> that
> stress? ;) I'm playing through an old Twin Reverb with
> a
> Danelectro Overdrive pedal, Dan-echo Delay, and of
> course, Fender
> Reverb tank with the cap/tube mod faithfully done by the
> Nebulas
> (from whom I scored the tank).
> Any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated. Except
> from Dano ;)
> ~Surfband Bill~
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