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Yahoo Group Archives » Page 149 »

My 1966 Jazzmaster

Dick Stewart (rvstewartproductions) - 29 Mar 2006 12:59:32

Just to let you know, I've got my 66 Jazzmaster on
eBay at present (7401250727), if you want to take a
look at it, or if you have any interest in it. This is
the same Jazzmaster that I used in the DVD with George
Incidently, I have just five of those DVD's left, if
anyone is interested and I'm not going to order
anymore by agreement.
I still have other Jazzmasters, so I'm not getting out
of the business of performing. It's just that it's not
wise to carry along vintage guitars to various venues,
and it's time to let it go.
The auction ends in about three days.
Later on,
Dick Stewart
Editor - TLM
The Knights
