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next two The Nebulas shows...

Jimmy Bones (toofastjim) - 23 Mar 2006 20:13:15

hey - we had a great time out in the Pacific NW opening for one of thee all time
greatest bands...Satan's Pilgrims. For more reviews, pictures, etc., check out
the surfguitar101 website. For all of you that didn't come to see the shows,
you have one last chance to see the Pilgrims and the Nebulas together - this
Saturday at Asbury Lanes, NJ.... one of thee best clubs east of the Doug Fir
Lounge!!! Tickets are selling pretty well, so best get yours in advance
through For those on the east coast, you'll probably get
to see us again, but if you remotely enjoy some real, honest to goodness,
surf/garage/fuzz/ass-shakin'/soulful rock and roll, then you don't want to miss
Satan's Pilgrims only east coast appearance..and I'm saying this as a fan! I'm
serious - just to hear them play Beach Creep, Que Honda, Devil's Punchbowl,
Superstock, Scorpio fuck, if you're reading this and don't wanna come,
you're a meth addict and don't really like surf, so why are you reading this
anyway? Did I mention they play Beach Creep (with choreography) and Devil's
Punchbowl?? "I said god damn!!!" (Mrs Marsallas Wallace after snorting coke in
Pulp Fiction).
Anyhoo, back to the shameless self-promotion, The Nebulas just confirmed our
trimphant return to the 2006 Block Island Music Fest in a prime slot - Friday
June 16th - 11pm - right before Sasquatch & The Sickabillies. That place goes
apeshit, especially late at night, and double especially on the weekends! Come
see Sasquatch - the only frontman I know that can carry on a conversation while
vomiting mid-sentence!
If you can't make the shows, check out our new self-titled CD "The Nebulas...."
on Double Crown Records
available now where-ever it is people buy suf music these days!
The Nebulas
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