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I want my MPG?

scanman805 - 14 Mar 2006 23:44:42

Just when I was gettin' over Zepplin' sellin' out to Chevy, I see a Toyota
commercial doin' a mommy's boy version of a Dire Strait's tune, "I want My MPG".
Oh.........What a feeling..............
Time to kill my TV.


Tom (sidebar78) - 16 Mar 2006 21:23:52

for Zep, it was a Cadiliac,made me want a Northstar,every time I heard
Rock N Roll, Guess I'm weak LOL


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 16 Mar 2006 21:53:46

Don't mean to be a grump, but let's stay on topic, please!
On 3/16/06, Tom <> wrote:
> for Zep, it was a Cadiliac,made me want a Northstar,every time I heard
> Rock N Roll, Guess I'm weak LOL


Tom (sidebar78) - 16 Mar 2006 22:05:57

all right then I will ,first of all it was not ,A chevy as you
stated,Second bands are in this to make money!renting out a song for a
period of time ,that is no longer on the charts,for a tv spot,just
plain makes good bussiness since.other wise bands would just give them
away.this is thier work ,how they make a living,not a hobby.better
that Page and the guys from Zep did it,that the record company,whom
would keep all profits.also Led Zepplin keeps all rights to the
song ,after the time limit on the add expires.this ain't the holey
grail we're talkin about.just an old rock song,that Jimmy figgered how
to make a few more bucks off of.


Tom (sidebar78) - 16 Mar 2006 22:25:07

Guess I should clairify this some,bands have all ways done this.IE the
Beach Boys lent out Good Vibrations.the Doors did Buick Light my
Fire,and yes Jim signed off on it,Oliver Stone,took his creative
clause on this.The Who lent I can see for miles to windex.clapton
reworked Sunshine of your to a beer radio spot.the list is
endless.oh the Hombres worked Let it all hang out, in to a beer
spot,Let It All Pour OUt! Tom
> all right then I will ,first of all it was not ,A chevy as you
> stated,Second bands are in this to make money!renting out a song for
> period of time ,that is no longer on the charts,for a tv spot,just
> plain makes good bussiness since.other wise bands would just give
> away.this is thier work ,how they make a living,not a hobby.better
> that Page and the guys from Zep did it,that the record company,whom
> would keep all profits.also Led Zepplin keeps all rights to the
> song ,after the time limit on the add expires.this ain't the holey
> grail we're talkin about.just an old rock song,that Jimmy figgered
> to make a few more bucks off of.


scanman805 - 17 Mar 2006 01:01:55

Brian,There's fine line between a good moderator and a Control Freak!
Take a bong hit and chill out. It's only Surf.
---- Brian Neal <> wrote:
> Don't mean to be a grump, but let's stay on topic, please!
> On 3/16/06, Tom <> wrote:
> > for Zep, it was a Cadiliac,made me want a Northstar,every time I heard
> > Rock N Roll, Guess I'm weak LOL
> .
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Brian Neal (xarxas) - 17 Mar 2006 11:45:38

--- In , scanman@... wrote:
> Brian,There's fine line between a good moderator and a Control Freak!
> Take a bong hit and chill out. It's only Surf.
> B-B-O
"It's only surf?"
Nothing you and Tom are discussing here has anything to do with surf!
If you guys want to carry this on, either take it to private email or
take it to the new forums. I have built an off-topic forum for just
this kind of general discussion.
