[I don't like BEP]
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If you visit the link below, the post will make some more sense.
That is kinda funny. Dick's always gunned for rock 'n
roll superstardom, I guess. Whatever might get you
--- Miles Gehm <> wrote:
> If you visit the link below, the post will make some
> more sense.
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I just don't get the fuzz over this. somebody offers dicky a bag o'
money to use his song/sample, he says yes.
It doesnt take away any of the glory of the original recording, nor
does it shed bad light on DD's musicianship. he gives someone else a
chance to be creative with something he created, kudos to him. the
fact that the BEP screwed up big time don't change that.
not giving permission would hardly have stopped the BEP to make
another lame crappy stupid song. nothing to gain there. and fwiw, the
BEP is a typical example of stupid people creating bad art for other
stupid people. happens all the time, no reason to get excited. it's
just modern entertainment industry.
I say, well done dick, take the money and run!
(and I have a vision that someday, somewhere, some hip dj will use
his modern software to filter out all the vocals and present it as an
instrumental remix of "pump it".)
--- In , Richard <errant_jedi@...> wrote:
> That is kinda funny. Dick's always gunned for rock 'n
> roll superstardom, I guess. Whatever might get you
> there...
> --- Miles Gehm <milesgehm@...> wrote:
> > If you visit the link below, the post will make some
> > more sense.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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