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Yaw got to hear this live version of Miserlou

DR_PLUTO - 26 Feb 2006 00:46:35

I was farting around myspace today and came upon a dick dale page.
Click on that version of Miserlou. Holy dog shit batman!


acehaze06 - 26 Feb 2006 03:36:26

Amazing. Thx.
I was 14 the first time I ever heard Miserlou and it was by Agent
Orange, a friend was like "ya have to hear this song!" Five minutes
later he showed me how to play it. Anytime we wanted to impress
someone with our chops, we'd play Miserlou. And it worked everytime. I
still love that version.


ipongrac - 26 Feb 2006 08:32:45

--- In , "DR_PLUTO" <dr_pluto@...>
> I was farting around myspace today and came upon a dick dale page.
> Click on that version of Miserlou. Holy dog shit batman!
Good catch! I love that version! I gotta say that Dick (or
whoever) made very good choices when picking the songs for his
myspace site. Three of them are from his early '80s LP Tiger's
Loose, about which I wrote a bit, I think, some months ago. I got
this album last summer, and I really dug it. The vocals are
completely embarrassing, beyond bad (Pick And Play must qualify as
one of his worst songs ever!), but the instros on there are HOT! As
you can hear on the myspace site. I love his playing on The Wedge,
too. There were a few more good moments on the LP, but these three
tracks are the high points.
The fourth track on the myspace site is Mexico from the King Of the
Surf Guitar LP, his first for Capitol - a song which I've LOVED for
many years now, and which completely inexplicably has not been
released on CD yet. But it's one of his best ever, as far as I'm
concerned - he did for that song what he did for Miserlou - take an
old-time standard and turn it into something remarkable.
Long live the King!


Jeff (bigtikidude) - 27 Feb 2006 13:13:52

Why do I have a feeling that this Myspace is not really run by
--- In , "DR_PLUTO" <dr_pluto@...> wrote:
> I was farting around myspace today and came upon a dick dale page.
> Click on that version of Miserlou. Holy dog shit batman!
