From: DP <>
Subject: Re: Miserlou and Lyrics
> PS I could scan in the sheet music and post it to SG101,
> Just for historical content.
> It's a love song...
i would love to see the lyrics.
DP I will scan the page and attempt my first file posting to SG101
It's actually a pretty page, I love old graphics/text
And Unlunf sez:
I heard it again yesterday afternoon, and this time I could crank
up the loud machine and pay attention to the lyrics...
Nope, no such thing as any kind of love song going on here. I
can get about a quarter of the spoken words, and the rest is just
so much mumbling, farting, sneezing and other sound effects. <g>
The only thing I get clearly are the words "turn up the stereo,
blast it out loud...", that's a refrain so it's easy to catch.
There is definitely a re-ordering of the progression, and that's
OK. Sometimes the vocals come out over the top of the guitar,
and sometimes they are almost buried. Production values in this
sense are mixed, to say the least. But overall, it's clean (no
dropouts, noise, etc.), and it's unmistakably different from the
rest of the stuff being played on this station.
And Kim sez:
So this is some kind of DJ Mix?
It sounds interesting. Sounds like maybe a recording of a party
with DD in the background?
>Philosophical question for you: what's the difference between a
>Genuine Fake and a Real Fake? Inquiring minds want to know. <g>
(My definitions only)
Fake Book:
A fake book is a book of popular music.
About 2 inches thick. It was mimeographed copies of
Real sheet music, with the copyrights obliterated,
(White-out) so, here's a thousand songs with no regard
for the Writer or Publisher.
They are illegal. Back in the day, it was equivalent
To porn, you had to buy one out of a trunk of a car.
There would be a copy in every Piano Bar.
The name comes from:
Customer at the bar: "Do you know how to play ~Misty~?"
Piano Player: "No, but I can fake it!"
This is my definition of a "Genuine" Fake Book
Now, what I call a "Fake" Fake Book is:
The way the music industry fought back,
They compiled books legally with all the publishers
in agreement, and these are what you can buy in any music store.
They have the writers and publishers identified,
And ASCAP gets a cut, I am sure.
Very similar to the Fake White Albums by
The Who "Live at Leeds" and the Beatles "White Album"
These were both made to look like the REAL White Albums -
Which were pressed by employees at the record plants
At night, from recordings of concerts where they had
Recorded them on tape. That you could buy at the Rose Bowl
Swap Meet or out of a trunk of a car.
So, in summary, the Genuine "Fake Book" and Genuine "White Albums"
are Rip-offs!
The FAKE ones are made by the publishers.
Aloha to y'all,
PS So the music industry has always been fighting the common man
Who just want to hear some cheap music!