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Re:To Unlunf: was.... New Fender Jazzmaster

Jeff (bigtikidude) - 08 Feb 2006 19:19:01

I hear what your saying about keeping an eye on new products and
But when some of the 60's surf bands play down here.
And they aren't using vintager gear, it sounds like it.
And everybody looses interest, and starts getting antsy, and roaming
around and talking.
They sound like 70's 80's bar bands trying to do covers of surf
songs and falling short.
If your Trad. be Trad. if your progressive be progressive,
don't fall into that mush in between.
my humble opinion of course.
--- In , "unlunf" <unlunf@...> wrote:
> Jacob,
> Better check your draft card, my young friend. As
> you've met me, you know that I'm already on SS, or
> would be if I so chose. For various financial reasons,
> I'm delaying for another year, but that's not what's
> important here. What is important here is the underlying
> train of thought that says, more or less, "If it ain't the
> way it was before I was born, then it ain't right."
> Oh.
> Well, I guess I'd better not put on my History Professor
> Hat, and remind you, and many others, that Leo made it
> in this industry for one reason only - he looked ahead.
> He cast off what was in the past, and brought about his
> vision of the future. If one were to trot down to his/her
> local vintage emporium, they'd see lots of high-priced
> Fender stuff, right? But just over the other side of
> the aisle, there's also a boat load of Epiphone, Kay,
> Alamo, Gibson, Supro, and a ton of other stuff, all from
> the same era. And what do you think is the main difference
> between Fender and all the also-rans?
> For one thing, durability. Fenders were, and still are,
> road-worthy, almost laughably more so than anything else.
> But the real reason musicians bought them was the sound.
> 'Of course', you say. Oh, and how did Leo get that sound?
> By cramming more power, more tone, more 'vibe', into the
> same size (or smaller) package as everyone else, both those
> who came before him, and all the copy-cats who came afterwards.
> That's the dictionary-definition of 'innovation', pure and
> simple.
> No one in his/her right mind will argue that Leo's company
> had many more misses than they did hits, after he left.
> But that doesn't mean the the Fender company is absolutely
> incapable of pulling off yet more miracles of innovation.
> At least, not to me... do you think that no one else, least
> of all Fender, can accomplish again what they've done several
> times over the last 6 decades?
> I'd be interested in knowing your answer to that. In fact,
> it kind of surprises me that of all the people who tend to
> inhabit this group, it's the young ones who are most adamant
> about 'old stuff' being the only thing possible, and it's
> the old farts like me who are looking for new possibilities,
> aren't afraid to experiment, and aren't locked into the
> past. Perhaps it's because we're musicians first, I don't
> know. But somehow, the shoe has gotten onto the other foot,
> and if it stays there, then I don't hold out a lot of hope
> for the future of surf music.
> Notice, I didn't say, the history of surf music. The original
> material will always need to be played and re-played for the
> upcoming new generations, no doubt about that. But if LATC,
> Agent Orange, Satan's Pilgrims, and many, many others, are to
> ever evolve, it won't be due to keeping one's head in the
> sand, will it. It'll happen because some folks aren't afraid
> to look ahead. I can only hope that more of the upcoming
> new players start doing that before the rest of us first
> generation folks get sucked into the Final Undertow.
> Believe it don't, that was from the heart, and not intended
> to start any flame wars. Thanks for bearing with me.
> unlunf
> --- In , "Jacob Dobner" <jacobdobner@>
> >
> > Of course we are going to sacrafice. Granted I am pretty old now.
> > Just turned halway to 44. My life practically flashed before my
> > eyes. Bill is even older than me. 2-4 years closer to social
> > security. Bill one problem with your statement about Leo. Leo
> > died in 1991. There is a lot of crap from that period. For
> > example, I was in first grade and I know that I did not like
> > nap time.
> >
> >
> > --- In , "supertwangreverb"
> > <supertwangreverb@
> >>
> >> Ha, well I guess looks are more of an opinion in this case.
> >> I don't know about Jacob and the 'Verb. But the Aquanauts will
> >> continue to sacrifice their backs, and if it wasn't around when
> >> Leo was alive... well, that's just sacreligious! :)
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >>
> >
