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the Atlantics' gear

IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 19 Dec 2001 12:22:11

I thought some of you might be interested in this email that was forwarded
to me from the original (and present as well) guitarist of the amazing
Atlantics from Australia, Jim Skiathitis.
>From: "Jim S" <>
>Subject: Re: ivan's question about your gear back in the early days
>Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 00:45:07 +0000
>Hi Lindsay
>Yeah he's pretty close.
>In the very early days we only used the Fender amp for leads and probably
>also used reverb more then. But after we got our Voxes, (we had two
>ac30's), one was a piggy back, we started to use the voxes more and more
>because we liked the warmer sound of the vox. we also used less and less
>reverb and more and more echolette. We actually had 2 klempts and in some
>songs we joined them up and ran one into the other.
>I know what Ivan means because now even with all the technology some days
>we just can't seem to capture the exact sound that we are after or that is
>actually coming out of our amps.
>That schreeching treble that Ivan speaks about is certainly there when we
>play live but I think we probably try to avoid it for recording.
>I think the biggest difference is that we now use mainly vox but back then
>most of our stuff was done on fender which of course had a much sharper
>sound than the vox. If you listen to some of our later stuff and especially
>a lot of the Vocals(say around 1965 to 69) I think that the sound was quite
>different already by then.
>Now, our old stuff sounds awful to us cause its so thin and tinny. It was
>the sound of whatever the sound engineer got on that particular day.
>Don't forgett that back then they didn't have the technology that is around
>now. we only had 4 hours to try and record 4-6 songs. they just went with
>whatever they got on a 'good take' I think that a lot of the time your
>sound depended on whatever microphone they were using on your amp at that
>time. We never got the chance to sit in on their mixing and
>try and help or tell them how we wanted the songs to sound. For the first
>few years we just had to take what they dished up. That's why we eventually
>left them and started doing our own recordings.
>Anyway that's given you plenty of info. Next time you write to Ivan
>please ask him if he minds if I email him and have a chat. ta
>Bye for now
>>From: "Lindsay Morrison" <>
>>Subject: ivan's question about your gear back in the early days
>>Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:29:22 +0000
>>Hi Jim
>>I can't remember if I sent this to you already. I sent ivan a list of your
>>gear now but he was interested in what you had previously. as you can see,
>>he has a pretty good idea already. can you confirm please.
>>(Ivan asked) I'm more curious about their gear
>>back in the day, but I'm pretty sure I know what they played: two Strats,
>>one red, one sunburst, Klempt Echolette echo unit (German company),
>>(maybe) Fender Reverb units, Jim - Fender Bandmaster with 2-12" speaker
>>cab (blonde); Theo - Vox AC30. They really did get an amazing sound in
>>those days. I'm not quite as into their new sounds, though they're very
>>close. But I miss that screetching treble, and (for lack of a better
>>term) 'woodiness' of the tone.
= =
= Regards, =
= Lindsay Morrison =
= (Brisbane, Australia) =
= =
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