I found out about another Florida surf band yesterday. They are called
The Surfin' Urchins... They are from Jacksonville Beach, FL...
Their website is
I found out about them because they are on a compilation of Florida
bands that just came out that The Intoxicators! are on...
The compilation was put together as an advertisement for a land
development company that's trying to entice people to buy a second
home in Florida... The cd is emceed by Eddie Money... and I think that
it's sorta cheezzy!!! but that's just my opinion...
If you would like to get a free copy of the cd (and send your personal
information to a land developer in Florida) go to
and request a copy...
There are 2 songs by The Intoxicators! ("Twin Peaks", and "Phantom
Mustang"), and 2 by the Surfin' Urchins ("Take Me Out To The Ball
Game", and "Turtle Boy's Pizza")