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Neck question

ohsyrus - 08 Feb 2003 15:12:18

I love my Jazzmaster, but I am suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome
badly in both hands. Also, I'm developing arthritis, and I have to
admit that age is finally catching up with me. But I can't give up
playing the guitar, so I am trying to figure out how to make the
instrument easier to fret. One thing I know is that Chet Atkins, when
he got older, switched over to playing Nylon string guitars. Also,
John McLaughlin has made a couple of recordings on nylong strings that
are pretty fabulous. Charlie Byrd switched to nylon strings
exclusively when he got older, and I heard him play up the street in
his 80's and he was fabulous.
I know nylon ain't exactly surf, but I gotta do something. I have a
Ric 360 that I use mostly as a rhythm guitar that is much easier to
play than my JM, I think because it has a shorter scale, 24.75. I know
the Jaguar has a 24 inch neck. Does anybody know if I can put a Jaguar
neck on my Jazzmaster body? I've measured, and it looks like it would
work--but I've never seen it done, and I don't want to get the neck
only to find out that there is no way to get the intonation correct. I
suppose I could trade my JM for a Jag, but I do like the tone of a JM.
Any suggestions would be welcome.


cobalt (bloobeary) - 08 Feb 2003 15:21:09

"ohsyrus " wrote:
> I know nylon ain't exactly surf, but I gotta do something.
Will Nylong strings work on an electric guitar? I'd always thought you
needed metal strings to interact wih the magnets in the pickups..


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 08 Feb 2003 17:11:32

Sorry to hear about your hands!
I don't think you can just slap a JM neck on a Jaguar without relocating the
bridge. You won't be able to intonate it properly (the distance from the nut
to the 12th fret will no longer equal the distance from the 12th fret to the
bridge). Your best bet is to just get a shorter scale guitar.
There are exercises you can do to relieve carpal tunnel, have you seen a
doctor? And then arthritis on top of that? Sorry to hear that...good luck.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ohsyrus <> [mailto:]
> Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Neck question
> I love my Jazzmaster, but I am suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome
> badly in both hands. Also, I'm developing arthritis, and I have to
> admit that age is finally catching up with me. But I can't give up
> playing the guitar, so I am trying to figure out how to make the
> instrument easier to fret. One thing I know is that Chet Atkins, when
> he got older, switched over to playing Nylon string guitars. Also,
> John McLaughlin has made a couple of recordings on nylong strings that
> are pretty fabulous. Charlie Byrd switched to nylon strings
> exclusively when he got older, and I heard him play up the street in
> his 80's and he was fabulous.
> I know nylon ain't exactly surf, but I gotta do something. I have a
> Ric 360 that I use mostly as a rhythm guitar that is much easier to
> play than my JM, I think because it has a shorter scale, 24.75. I know
> the Jaguar has a 24 inch neck. Does anybody know if I can put a Jaguar
> neck on my Jazzmaster body? I've measured, and it looks like it would
> work--but I've never seen it done, and I don't want to get the neck
> only to find out that there is no way to get the intonation correct. I
> suppose I could trade my JM for a Jag, but I do like the tone of a JM.
> Any suggestions would be welcome.


ohsyrus - 09 Feb 2003 00:51:05

Thanx for the replies. Actually, I didn't mean I was going to string
my electric with Nylon, I was just noting that a lot of professional
jazz guitarists have switched to nylon as they got older. now i
understand why. No I was asking about putting a jaguar neck on my
jazzmaster. I know you can get 24.75 inch "conversion" necks that are
supposed to work on any 25.5 scale. It just seemed to me, based on
playing a Jag in the music store, that the bridge placement seemed
about the same as on the JM. I think the bodies are the same size on
both guitars. Maybe the bridge on the Jag is moved forward some.
As for treatments--nothing has helped so far, and I refuse to get
surgury--I got this way because of computer use--now my hands are too
weak to play the JM very well, any more.
--- In , "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> Sorry to hear about your hands!
> I don't think you can just slap a JM neck on a Jaguar without
relocating the
> bridge. You won't be able to intonate it properly (the distance from
the nut
> to the 12th fret will no longer equal the distance from the 12th
fret to the
> bridge). Your best bet is to just get a shorter scale guitar.
> There are exercises you can do to relieve carpal tunnel, have you seen a
> doctor? And then arthritis on top of that? Sorry to hear that...good
> BN
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ohsyrus <ohsyrus@y...> [mailto:ohsyrus@y...]
> > Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 3:12 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Neck question
> >
> >
> > I love my Jazzmaster, but I am suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome
> > badly in both hands. Also, I'm developing arthritis, and I have to
> > admit that age is finally catching up with me. But I can't give up
> > playing the guitar, so I am trying to figure out how to make the
> > instrument easier to fret. One thing I know is that Chet Atkins, when
> > he got older, switched over to playing Nylon string guitars. Also,
> > John McLaughlin has made a couple of recordings on nylong strings that
> > are pretty fabulous. Charlie Byrd switched to nylon strings
> > exclusively when he got older, and I heard him play up the street in
> > his 80's and he was fabulous.
> >
> > I know nylon ain't exactly surf, but I gotta do something. I have a
> > Ric 360 that I use mostly as a rhythm guitar that is much easier to
> > play than my JM, I think because it has a shorter scale, 24.75. I know
> > the Jaguar has a 24 inch neck. Does anybody know if I can put a Jaguar
> > neck on my Jazzmaster body? I've measured, and it looks like it would
> > work--but I've never seen it done, and I don't want to get the neck
> > only to find out that there is no way to get the intonation correct. I
> > suppose I could trade my JM for a Jag, but I do like the tone of a JM.
> >
> > Any suggestions would be welcome.


Gavin Ehringer (windanseabeachboy) - 10 Feb 2003 19:41:31

I got this from Warmoth regarding a custom Jag I was thinking of
building. Essentially, you could get a JM body set up to accept a
Jaguar neck. Then, you'd simply transfer your electonics from your JM
to the Jag/JM hybrid. It's $185 for the unfinished Warmoth body (mre
if you want it painted), $50 for the custom bridge placement, and
whatever they charge for their compound neck. And you'd need their
adjustable Mustang bridge, at $48. But it might keep you playing.
Good luck, whatever you do...
From Warmoth:
I can rout the Jazzmaster rear routed body for use with your Jaguar
24? scale neck! It?s a $50 hand placement of bridge and pickups
charge. Your choice of bridge or trem.
Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Thanks,
--- In , "ohsyrus <ohsyrus@y...>"
<ohsyrus@y...> wrote:
> Thanx for the replies. Actually, I didn't mean I was going to string
> my electric with Nylon, I was just noting that a lot of professional
> jazz guitarists have switched to nylon as they got older. now i
> understand why. No I was asking about putting a jaguar neck on my
> jazzmaster. I know you can get 24.75 inch "conversion" necks that are
> supposed to work on any 25.5 scale. It just seemed to me, based on
> playing a Jag in the music store, that the bridge placement seemed
> about the same as on the JM. I think the bodies are the same size on
> both guitars. Maybe the bridge on the Jag is moved forward some.
> As for treatments--nothing has helped so far, and I refuse to get
> surgury--I got this way because of computer use--now my hands are too
> weak to play the JM very well, any more.
> --- In , "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> > Sorry to hear about your hands!
> >
> > I don't think you can just slap a JM neck on a Jaguar without
> relocating the
> > bridge. You won't be able to intonate it properly (the distance from
> the nut
> > to the 12th fret will no longer equal the distance from the 12th
> fret to the
> > bridge). Your best bet is to just get a shorter scale guitar.
> >
> > There are exercises you can do to relieve carpal tunnel, have you
seen a
> > doctor? And then arthritis on top of that? Sorry to hear that...good
> luck.
> >
> > BN
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: ohsyrus <ohsyrus@y...> [mailto:ohsyrus@y...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 3:12 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Neck question
> > >
> > >
> > > I love my Jazzmaster, but I am suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome
> > > badly in both hands. Also, I'm developing arthritis, and I have to
> > > admit that age is finally catching up with me. But I can't give up
> > > playing the guitar, so I am trying to figure out how to make the
> > > instrument easier to fret. One thing I know is that Chet Atkins,
> > > he got older, switched over to playing Nylon string guitars. Also,
> > > John McLaughlin has made a couple of recordings on nylong
strings that
> > > are pretty fabulous. Charlie Byrd switched to nylon strings
> > > exclusively when he got older, and I heard him play up the street in
> > > his 80's and he was fabulous.
> > >
> > > I know nylon ain't exactly surf, but I gotta do something. I have a
> > > Ric 360 that I use mostly as a rhythm guitar that is much easier to
> > > play than my JM, I think because it has a shorter scale, 24.75.
I know
> > > the Jaguar has a 24 inch neck. Does anybody know if I can put a
> > > neck on my Jazzmaster body? I've measured, and it looks like it
> > > work--but I've never seen it done, and I don't want to get the neck
> > > only to find out that there is no way to get the intonation
correct. I
> > > suppose I could trade my JM for a Jag, but I do like the tone of
a JM.
> > >
> > > Any suggestions would be welcome.


ohsyrus - 10 Feb 2003 20:53:35

Thanks for the thought, Gavin.
You know, I had thought about doing something like this--but I am also
thinking of getting a 24.75 conversion neck. They claim it will work
with any 25.5 scale. I need to talk with them to confirm. That would
make some difference. I can actually play my Ric 360 without too much
pain. I also thought about taking a Jag neck, mounting on a
semi-hollow Tele body, with piezo electronics, and a classical bridge,
and string it with Nylon. I even thought about stringing it in nylon
like an Oud, you know, with 5 double courses, fretless. It would be
different, but ought to sound pretty good with Middle Eastern
melodies. I'm starting to think extreme cause I don't want to quit.
--- In , "Gavin Ehringer
<gavinehringer@m...>" <gavinehringer@m...> wrote:
> I got this from Warmoth regarding a custom Jag I was thinking of
> building. Essentially, you could get a JM body set up to accept a
> Jaguar neck. Then, you'd simply transfer your electonics from your JM
> to the Jag/JM hybrid. It's $185 for the unfinished Warmoth body (mre
> if you want it painted), $50 for the custom bridge placement, and
> whatever they charge for their compound neck. And you'd need their
> adjustable Mustang bridge, at $48. But it might keep you playing.
> Good luck, whatever you do...
> Gavin
> From Warmoth:
> I can rout the Jazzmaster rear routed body for use with your Jaguar
> 24? scale neck! It?s a $50 hand placement of bridge and pickups
> charge. Your choice of bridge or trem.
> Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Thanks,
> Bob
> --- In , "ohsyrus <ohsyrus@y...>"
> <ohsyrus@y...> wrote:
> > Thanx for the replies. Actually, I didn't mean I was going to string
> > my electric with Nylon, I was just noting that a lot of professional
> > jazz guitarists have switched to nylon as they got older. now i
> > understand why. No I was asking about putting a jaguar neck on my
> > jazzmaster. I know you can get 24.75 inch "conversion" necks that are
> > supposed to work on any 25.5 scale. It just seemed to me, based on
> > playing a Jag in the music store, that the bridge placement seemed
> > about the same as on the JM. I think the bodies are the same size on
> > both guitars. Maybe the bridge on the Jag is moved forward some.
> >
> > As for treatments--nothing has helped so far, and I refuse to get
> > surgury--I got this way because of computer use--now my hands are too
> > weak to play the JM very well, any more.
> >
> >
> > --- In , "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> > > Sorry to hear about your hands!
> > >
> > > I don't think you can just slap a JM neck on a Jaguar without
> > relocating the
> > > bridge. You won't be able to intonate it properly (the distance from
> > the nut
> > > to the 12th fret will no longer equal the distance from the 12th
> > fret to the
> > > bridge). Your best bet is to just get a shorter scale guitar.
> > >
> > > There are exercises you can do to relieve carpal tunnel, have you
> seen a
> > > doctor? And then arthritis on top of that? Sorry to hear that...good
> > luck.
> > >
> > > BN
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: ohsyrus <ohsyrus@y...> [mailto:ohsyrus@y...]
> > > > Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 3:12 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Neck question
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I love my Jazzmaster, but I am suffering from carpal tunnel
> > > > badly in both hands. Also, I'm developing arthritis, and I have to
> > > > admit that age is finally catching up with me. But I can't give up
> > > > playing the guitar, so I am trying to figure out how to make the
> > > > instrument easier to fret. One thing I know is that Chet Atkins,
> when
> > > > he got older, switched over to playing Nylon string guitars. Also,
> > > > John McLaughlin has made a couple of recordings on nylong
> strings that
> > > > are pretty fabulous. Charlie Byrd switched to nylon strings
> > > > exclusively when he got older, and I heard him play up the
street in
> > > > his 80's and he was fabulous.
> > > >
> > > > I know nylon ain't exactly surf, but I gotta do something. I
have a
> > > > Ric 360 that I use mostly as a rhythm guitar that is much
easier to
> > > > play than my JM, I think because it has a shorter scale, 24.75.
> I know
> > > > the Jaguar has a 24 inch neck. Does anybody know if I can put a
> Jaguar
> > > > neck on my Jazzmaster body? I've measured, and it looks like it
> would
> > > > work--but I've never seen it done, and I don't want to get the
> > > > only to find out that there is no way to get the intonation
> correct. I
> > > > suppose I could trade my JM for a Jag, but I do like the tone of
> a JM.
> > > >
> > > > Any suggestions would be welcome.
