The lead guitarist in my greaser band, the Uptown Savages, uses a Reverend
almost exclusively. I'm not sure if it is a slingshot or one of the workhorse
series, but it is killer. The P-90s are hot, the guitar is light as can be and
it's got a great kind of Jet-Age look. I've only noodled on it at rehearsal,
but I'd definately consider one if I was looking for a new guitar.
Happy New Year,
Jon Ziegler
The Exotics
The Nelsonics
The Uptown Savages
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Cool, thanks for the info. I was recently watching the Iggy Pop "live
in detriot" DVD and noticed his guitar playing was using a Reverand.
--- In , "jon ziegler" <jpziegler@l...>
> The lead guitarist in my greaser band, the Uptown Savages, uses a
Reverend almost exclusively. I'm not sure if it is a slingshot or one
of the workhorse series, but it is killer. The P-90s are hot, the
guitar is light as can be and it's got a great kind of Jet-Age look.
I've only noodled on it at rehearsal, but I'd definately consider one
if I was looking for a new guitar.
> Happy New Year,
> Jon Ziegler
> The Exotics
> The Nelsonics
> The Uptown Savages
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Search for businesses by name, location, or phone number. -Lycos
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