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Re: Jaguar Bridge Question...Thanx Brian!

Gavin Ehringer (windanseabeachboy) - 05 Feb 2003 22:39:30

It's not as dire as I made it sound. It was going in for a tune-up
anyway, but I was undecided about what mods I might do...I am thinking
I will go with a Graphtech saddles, and add the Buzz Stop at a later
time, if needed. Seems to me the tech can work with the saddles and
the Buzz Stop looks easy enuff for me.
As for the skippy "G" string, I think a string tree will solve that
Thanks (again) for great advice.
On the plus side, the tone on this Jap Jaguar is really nice...just
like the Belairs' on the original Mr. Moto! So, I am very stoked.
Thanks again!
--- In , "Gavin Ehringer
<gavinehringer@m...>" <gavinehringer@m...> wrote:
> I just took delivery of my Jap Jag, and I am thinking of naming it
> "Skippy" because when I bend the strings, they slip out of the nut and
> across the bridge! Anyway, filing the nut a little is easy, but I'm in
> a quandary about what to do with the bridge. Buy a Buzz Stop or drop
> in a Mustang bridge? Which will solve both the buzzing and the string
> movement? And which Mustang bridge works best - a Warmoth, a Fender, a
> Stew-Mac, or one off an actual Jap Mustang? I assume they are similar
> (except for the Warmoth), but assumptions often are wrong.
> Also, the bridge floats - does that matter? Will the Mustang bridge
> float? And how does this impact intonation, etc.?
> Someone who knows, please advise!
> Gavin
