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Jensen speakers question

urbansurfkings - 28 Jan 2003 20:35:23

I'm looking to put a 15" Jensen in my Fender Vibrasonic (early
1960s). Does anyone have an idea which one would be closer to the
original JBL D130F: the P15N or the ceramic magnet C15N? Mel?
The JBL is impossible to find here in Canada, and buying, shipping,
and paying the duty on one from elsewhere is unaffordable...sigh...


Mel Waldorf (melwaldorf) - 28 Jan 2003 21:20:53

I don't know much about Jensens, but I suspect that the ceramic magnet
speaker would be more efficient.
Have you considered other options besides JBL and Jensen? Altec made some
good 15" speakers, and I've got a Rola 15" that I like a lot with my Twin
Reverb. Also, for newer speakers, weber california speakers have a good
reputation as reproducing the JBL sound.
Also, for what it's worth, the brown Pro Amp, which is very similar to the
Vibrasonic, used a P15N.
-----Original Message-----
From: urbansurfkings <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 6:35 PM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Jensen speakers question
I'm looking to put a 15" Jensen in my Fender Vibrasonic (early
1960s). Does anyone have an idea which one would be closer to the
original JBL D130F: the P15N or the ceramic magnet C15N? Mel?
The JBL is impossible to find here in Canada, and buying, shipping,
and paying the duty on one from elsewhere is unaffordable...sigh...
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