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Re: Dormant Volcanos Erupt//going to shows sick

Jeff (bigtikidude) - 09 Dec 2005 20:25:08

I have had this dilema a few times myself.
There are factors to take into account, such as.
How far is the gig from you?
Is it so cold out, that you'll get worse if you go out?
Is it safe to drive while jacked up on Nyquil?
And of course do you feel up to it?
I look at it like this. If you feel bad, but are tired of
sitting/lying around, (Go!) Your gonna feel crappy weather you are
home or there, so go, try to enjoy yourself, and don't spread it to
anybody. Stand in the corner don't shake hands, etc. etc.
But if you feel like it's the end of the world type of FLU, then
you'd be better off staying home, praying for sweet death to take you
In response to my last post, it may not get butt ass cold here.
But we still get the Flu bug spread around here bad.
p.s. Brian so you mentioned the Cd, and the mag that you
purchased lately. You gonna fill everybody in on the other chunk of
change you dropped? :)
--- In , "Brian Neal" <bgneal@g...> wrote:
> --- In , "count_rick" <creepyrick@c...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for posting the info, Brian.
> >
> > We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Ivan. Should be fun to fire
> > the reverb tanks again.
> Knock 'em dead Rick. I'm glad to hear the Volcanos are back in action.
> Wish I could be there. Let's see...home with the flu or a Volcano's
> show...tough call...
> BN
