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Fame and Fortune

Phil Dirt (dirtkfjc) - 24 Oct 2005 19:29:02

One more thing I have to say about all the kindness...
Like I told Freddie when he stopped by KFJC a few months back. I'm just
a fan with a lot of experience. I've never set out to do anything but
promote the music I love in as many way as I can. It just sort of grew
one little baby step at a time.
What I've learned over and over is that the surfband community is full
of very nice folks that give more than they get, and that's the model I
have tried to emulate. Funny thing is that what I got back is greater
than anything I could have gotten by intent.
I have been so very privileged to do sound for bands, to be thought of
as their friend, to be on the inside. The emotional gratification has
been quite powerful.
It's funny, but I always just thought of myself as a DJ playing
records. I never really realized the impact I was having. IN the weeks
following my announcing the end date for my show, I was inundated by
phone calls. After 25 years, I guess I expected that to a degree, but
the depth of emotion was quite unexpected. I was not prepared for the
calls from listeners, male and female, who were in tears or unable to
complete their statements without losing composure.
It was then that I realized People had invited me into their living
rooms, not just as a diversion, but rather as a part of their family
and routine. It was hard to keep my own composure with them. I did not
know what to say except "thank you."
It's not about me. What I want to convey is the life lesson here,
because it has been so powerful for me in very personal ways. Give,
help others, do the right thing, and be honest about it. If you do that
from your heart, it will come back ten fold. It has for me.
I am overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of feelings that have been
expressed towards me over the past few weeks. You guys, you musicians,
you fans... you are the best. I am forever in your debt.
Phil Dirt


Unsteady Freddie (schizofredric) - 24 Oct 2005 19:47:12

--- In , Phil Dirt <phildirt@r...> wrote:
> One more thing I have to say about all the kindness...
> Like I told Freddie when he stopped by KFJC a few months back. I'm
> a fan with a lot of experience. I've never set out to do anything
> promote the music I love in as many way as I can. It just sort of
> one little baby step at a time.
> What I've learned over and over is that the surfband community is
> of very nice folks that give more than they get, and that's the
model I
> have tried to emulate. Funny thing is that what I got back is
> than anything I could have gotten by intent.
> I have been so very privileged to do sound for bands, to be thought
> as their friend, to be on the inside. The emotional gratification
> been quite powerful.
> It's funny, but I always just thought of myself as a DJ playing
> records. I never really realized the impact I was having. IN the
> following my announcing the end date for my show, I was inundated by
> phone calls. After 25 years, I guess I expected that to a degree,
> the depth of emotion was quite unexpected. I was not prepared for
> calls from listeners, male and female, who were in tears or unable
> complete their statements without losing composure.
> It was then that I realized People had invited me into their living
> rooms, not just as a diversion, but rather as a part of their family
> and routine. It was hard to keep my own composure with them. I did
> know what to say except "thank you."
> It's not about me. What I want to convey is the life lesson here,
> because it has been so powerful for me in very personal ways. Give,
> help others, do the right thing, and be honest about it. If you do
> from your heart, it will come back ten fold. It has for me.
> I am overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of feelings that have been
> expressed towards me over the past few weeks. You guys, you
> you fans... you are the best. I am forever in your debt.
> Phil Dirt
we're on the same page
it's obvious I am nutzoid over this music
and I am so damn excited about it and want everyone (yeah everyone!)
to hear what I am excited about
knucklehead websites I am able to promote, and give something back;
putting on these live shows especially have been very gratifying
and Phil (and the artists will agree) - it certainly ain't about
money!! it's about joy, about bliss, about soul-stirring, about
God Bless You! seriously!
the outpouring from the surf community for you, which I got to
witness, was one special moment in my life -- dude, you deserve it,
and more!


Ferenc Dobronyi (ferencnd) - 25 Oct 2005 17:13:41

DJs often forget the intimacy between them and their
listeners... ever see "Play Misty for Me"? I have been
greatly effected by radio DJs- I was an AM radio
hugging kid, bubblegum rock was my great refuge. Terry
Gross got me through the Afganistan invasion. Lon
Simmons, Hank Greenwald, John Miller - I'd rather
listen to Baseball on the radio than anything. Shaun
Bates on KUSF. Dave Morey on KFOG has been a fave for
years. Radio rules!
The FM voice- deep, compressed- intimate, is there a
better word? Yes, people are really inviting you into
there homes. We often had dinner parties with friends
who like surf on saturday night, and it's like you
were a fifth guest- we would stop the conversation
during music breaks so we could hear your commentary
on the songs. And that is a great difference between
spinning some CDs and live radio-- the back info, the
review, the history, the gossip. It's almost as
important as the music. Heck, you're practically a
member of the family... of course you got emotional
calls from listeners!
You say that you are just a fan- hey, it's surf music,
nobody is in it for the money, we are all just fans.
The musicians love the music, the fans love the music,
the DJs love the music, but nobody else does-- or they
don't think they do, until they hear it and meet the
nicest fans in a great, and inviting scene. It is like
a big family (with all the requisite drama I might
What a thrill to drive up to the Brookdale and see on
the marquee "PHIL DIRT"-- no band names, just a DJ.
Almost 300 people coming to see a show that was
advertised in the papers only as "Phil Dirt". And when
I sent out word to bands, the responses were
unanimous. So many bands said yes, so many players
apologized- like Paul Johnson- "Oh man, I am sorry to
miss it but I will be on tour in Europe". And so many
other musicians who wish they could have come said,
"Please say thanks to Phil." Thanks to Phil...
As you said, the amazing thing about doing what you
love, and giving it out freely, is that you do make
the world a better place. "Give from the heart and it
will come back tenfold".
I wonder how your old station will do with their
fundraiser drive this year, having lost a popular
show. Surf music is friendly music, it causes people
to become engaged, as opposed to say, shoegazer
ambient which is alienating. I am not passing
judgement- neither kind of music is overwelmingly
popular- but surf brings people together, makes them
feel good, and people will pay to feel good. I think
there is a lesson in there somewhere...
Sorry, not many details here about the show, it is
kind of a blur to me... There were so many amazing
moments. John Blair and Marty on accoustic, Dave
Wronski solo, The Shockwaves (who sounded great, and I
am happy to hear that the water is under the bridge,
perhaps the best thing that came out of the night),
and The Mermen- were you surprized at all? And the
class of '92- Dino, Rick, Johnnie, Mel, by now my old
friends. The godhead that is Dave Arnson. Adrien
Anthony, my brother in the pocket. New friend Bill
McGlynn and "New kids" the Aquamarines... I want to
thank all the bands who came and played. I especially
want to thank all the fragments of bands- the
Pyronauts, the Surfliners, more, who came looking
forward to a end of night jam, which didn't happen
because we had to start an hour late. I apologize to
For all the people who have said thanks for putting on
the show, I say, thanks to you for coming, but all
thanks to Phil for inspiring it all. As I said, I have
been a radio fan my whole life, through thousands of
DJs, and there has only been one I thought about
throwing a bash for. As the crowd sang last saturday:
"Happy Reverb to you, Happy Reverb dear Phil, Happy
Reverb to you!"
Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.


surfneptune - 25 Oct 2005 18:04:44

Well Said Ferenc,
I can speak for the neptunes that this was a great event that we felt honored to
be a part
of... We had been cursed, every time we did the pit or some "Dirt" associated
something bad happend, an amp even blew up one time... so this show was our last
chance to shake that... I think the vibe was such that failure was not an
300 people just blows my mind, and we will hear the roar of that crowd in our
heads for
days... it was going to be my chance to meet some more surf folks, Marty
especially, but I
never seemed to cross paths...
Phil I hope you never get tired of Thank You... but really thank you...
Two pitstops, one theatre stop on the campus, the battle of the surfing bands,
and the
compilations... you really made for some great moments for a band of freaks from
Again thanks to Ferenc... great job... I have done that kind of gig here in
fresno two years
running for our local music scene, and I know what a nightmare it is.


Dave Becker (novapup2001) - 25 Oct 2005 18:08:53

Oh yeah. Wonderful post, Ferenc!
We heard the vignette at the show about Phil being known in Europe.
I'd like to add to the "Fame" thread and say that in speaking to the
scene-sters in the south Bay Area (where Phil's show is heard on the FM
airwaves) the local Blues musicians in particular, who don't involve
themselves in Surf but DO whip out Pipeline every so often, reacted to
hearing of Phil's departure from radio -- "Oh, maaan! That is a BIG
loss!" Let me assure everyone, Phil is known outside the Surf world
And, I echo Ferenc's sentiments about being part of someone's life.
The Phil Dirt marquee blew me away when I saw it, and others too I'm
sure, knowing folks came from far and wide. Here's to THE Surf
BW Dave
>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Ferenc Dobronyi
>Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Fame and Fortune
>DJs often forget the intimacy between them and their
>listeners... ever see "Play Misty for Me"? I have been
>greatly effected by radio DJs- I was an AM radio
>hugging kid, bubblegum rock was my great refuge. Terry
>Gross got me through the Afganistan invasion. Lon
>Simmons, Hank Greenwald, John Miller - I'd rather
>listen to Baseball on the radio than anything. Shaun
>Bates on KUSF. Dave Morey on KFOG has been a fave for
>years. Radio rules!
>The FM voice- deep, compressed- intimate, is there a
>better word? Yes, people are really inviting you into
>there homes. We often had dinner parties with friends
>who like surf on saturday night, and it's like you
>were a fifth guest- we would stop the conversation
>during music breaks so we could hear your commentary
>on the songs. And that is a great difference between
>spinning some CDs and live radio-- the back info, the
>review, the history, the gossip. It's almost as
>important as the music. Heck, you're practically a
>member of the family... of course you got emotional
>calls from listeners!
>You say that you are just a fan- hey, it's surf music,
>nobody is in it for the money, we are all just fans.
>The musicians love the music, the fans love the music,
>the DJs love the music, but nobody else does-- or they
>don't think they do, until they hear it and meet the
>nicest fans in a great, and inviting scene. It is like
>a big family (with all the requisite drama I might
>What a thrill to drive up to the Brookdale and see on
>the marquee "PHIL DIRT"-- no band names, just a DJ.
>Almost 300 people coming to see a show that was
>advertised in the papers only as "Phil Dirt". And when
>I sent out word to bands, the responses were
>unanimous. So many bands said yes, so many players
>apologized- like Paul Johnson- "Oh man, I am sorry to
>miss it but I will be on tour in Europe". And so many
>other musicians who wish they could have come said,
>"Please say thanks to Phil." Thanks to Phil...
>As you said, the amazing thing about doing what you
>love, and giving it out freely, is that you do make
>the world a better place. "Give from the heart and it
>will come back tenfold".
>I wonder how your old station will do with their
>fundraiser drive this year, having lost a popular
>show. Surf music is friendly music, it causes people
>to become engaged, as opposed to say, shoegazer
>ambient which is alienating. I am not passing
>judgement- neither kind of music is overwelmingly
>popular- but surf brings people together, makes them
>feel good, and people will pay to feel good. I think
>there is a lesson in there somewhere...
>Sorry, not many details here about the show, it is
>kind of a blur to me... There were so many amazing
>moments. John Blair and Marty on accoustic, Dave
>Wronski solo, The Shockwaves (who sounded great, and I
>am happy to hear that the water is under the bridge,
>perhaps the best thing that came out of the night),
>and The Mermen- were you surprized at all? And the
>class of '92- Dino, Rick, Johnnie, Mel, by now my old
>friends. The godhead that is Dave Arnson. Adrien
>Anthony, my brother in the pocket. New friend Bill
>McGlynn and "New kids" the Aquamarines... I want to
>thank all the bands who came and played. I especially
>want to thank all the fragments of bands- the
>Pyronauts, the Surfliners, more, who came looking
>forward to a end of night jam, which didn't happen
>because we had to start an hour late. I apologize to
>For all the people who have said thanks for putting on
>the show, I say, thanks to you for coming, but all
>thanks to Phil for inspiring it all. As I said, I have
>been a radio fan my whole life, through thousands of
>DJs, and there has only been one I thought about
>throwing a bash for. As the crowd sang last saturday:
>"Happy Reverb to you, Happy Reverb dear Phil, Happy
>Reverb to you!"
>Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
>Visit for archived
>bookmarks, files, polls, etc.
>Yahoo! Groups Links


Ferenc Dobronyi (ferencnd) - 25 Oct 2005 18:30:42

Egads Tom, I forgot to mention The Neptunes, one of my
favorite bands ever... My apologies. You guys rocked,
with great personality!
--- surfneptune <> wrote:
> Well Said Ferenc,
> I can speak for the neptunes that this was a great
> event that we felt honored to be a part
> of... We had been cursed, every time we did the pit
> or some "Dirt" associated show
> something bad happend, an amp even blew up one
> time... so this show was our last
> chance to shake that... I think the vibe was such
> that failure was not an option.
> 300 people just blows my mind, and we will hear the
> roar of that crowd in our heads for
> days... it was going to be my chance to meet some
> more surf folks, Marty especially, but I
> never seemed to cross paths...
> Phil I hope you never get tired of Thank You... but
> really thank you...
> Two pitstops, one theatre stop on the campus, the
> battle of the surfing bands, and the
> compilations... you really made for some great
> moments for a band of freaks from fezno...
> Again thanks to Ferenc... great job... I have done
> that kind of gig here in fresno two years
> running for our local music scene, and I know what a
> nightmare it is.
> tom
Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.


surfneptune - 25 Oct 2005 18:36:58

--- In , Ferenc Dobronyi <ferencnd@y...> wrote:
> Egads Tom, I forgot to mention The Neptunes, one of my
> favorite bands ever... My apologies. You guys rocked,
> with great personality!
> Ferenc
Geeze.. Ferenc... no big.. much better than being remembered as "that band that
took too
much time trying to plug in those damn doublenecks...
