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Dave Becker (novapup2001) - 24 Oct 2005 00:02:23

For many years I, like so many others, have listened to Phil's radio
show on KFJC. Being local to the station in the south (San Francisco)
Bay Area, I was fortunate to have received his show directly over the
airwaves all these years. Saturday nights, you could always come home
from or head out to whatever you were doing and pick up the warm FM
voice of a man who literally educated his listeners on one of music's
eclectic genres foreign to most radio stations. He has always been,
before and after the internet boom, the man the Surf bands sent their
material to for honest critiquing. Phil's fame as a reviewer has become
truly worldwide and rightfully so. This contributed to his unselfish
sharing of countless "new" and interesting bands with his listeners.
Stuff you "only hear" on KFJC -The Wave Of The West. Phil gave many
bands their initial introduction and prominence. Not to be trite, but
Phil is to Surf bands as Carson was to comedians.
Let us not forget the many KFJC Surf compilations he produced, the many
Foothill College LIVE shows he organized and hosted, the LIVE mics and
pit performances. If you were a touring band, one of your west coast
stops was Phil's show and a pit performance. His show, his experience,
and sheer humility all combine into one of the most notable people in
the history of Surf music.
Once again, a BIG kudo and thanks to Ferenc Dobronyi, who, with The
Brookdale Phil Dirt Tribute show this weekend, has given the Surf
community yet another "coming together" of historical stature to honor
the man who honors the genre, Phil Dirt. Shows like this don't just
"happen". And many people made the trek from very far distances. It was
great to see the Surf "fraternity" of fans and bands see old friends,
make new ones and pay its respects!
With all due respect to the more recent bands who performed Saturday
night, the importance of seeing the reunions and performances by The
Berzerkers, Insect Surfers, The Shockwaves, Jon Blair (J&TN) & Marty
Tippins, The Woodies/Rick Escobar and The Original Mermen cannot be
understated. Fantastic to witness! When The Mermen launched into their
always-thrilling delivery of Pull Of The Moon, not only did everyone get
goose bumps, but I remembered how Phil used to talk of them on the
airwaves. THESE were the bands from the years when Surf was truly
returning to consciousness, which Phil brought to everyone's attention
with his radio show.a show which will now be so very missed!
We certainly are saluting an amazing career. One that has given so much
to so many. And one that won't be repeated any time soon. The "Gandalf
of Surf" retires from the airwaves. .and Phil has earned his distinction
and this "retirement", many times over.
It has been an honor to "guest" DJ with Phil on his show several times
over the years. Always a blast! But for me personally, my biggest
pleasure and honor was to pay tribute to Phil by performing with The
Aquamarines at this weekend's Brookdale Tribute Event.
Phil, thanks for EVERYTHING! 5 Stars and "Grins all around!"
(We know you'll be behind more great things to come!)
bIG wAvE Dave Becker
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