Hello and Seasons Greetings to all! I just recently noticed a pretty
loud hissing sound coming out of my RI 65'Twin Reverb, almost like
air coming out of my speakers. So I went to the Fenderforum and
discovered I had a failing pre-amp tube(GT-12AX7). So I'm about to go
out and buy a replacement tube and was wondering if I should replace
this tube with something other than the GT-12AX7?? I know very little
about tubes but I heard Groove Tubes weren't that great. Is there
another tube that I can replace it with and get a better tone? Not to
say that my tone is bad it just seems thin at times. Any advice will
be greatly appreciated! Thanks! P*}}
I retubed my Fender HRD amp recently, and here's some tubes that
really worked for me:
Ei 12AX7/ECC83 low-noise - gives a chimier treble response and more
depth than the Groove Tubes. Can be a little startling if you have the
treble control on your amp turned high! These almost sing. But about
one of every three tubes had bad microphonics that caused them to
"whine" at high volume. So, buy a bunch!
Electro-Harmonix - these re-labeled Chinese tubes sound real good and
are super quiet.
Sovtek makes the GT tubes for Fender, so if you want those, you'll get
a better deal buying Sovtek rather than the relabeled Fender Groove
Tubes. There are also some Sovtek tubes that are better than the
Groove Tubes.
You can check out reviews of specific tubes and prices at The Tube
Store, online. Not the lowest prices, but good service and a great
wrap-up of reviews.
Good luck!
--- In , "Landlocked
<thee_surrealist@h...>" <thee_surrealist@h...> wrote:
> Hello and Seasons Greetings to all! I just recently noticed a pretty
> loud hissing sound coming out of my RI 65'Twin Reverb, almost like
> air coming out of my speakers. So I went to the Fenderforum and
> discovered I had a failing pre-amp tube(GT-12AX7). So I'm about to go
> out and buy a replacement tube and was wondering if I should replace
> this tube with something other than the GT-12AX7?? I know very little
> about tubes but I heard Groove Tubes weren't that great. Is there
> another tube that I can replace it with and get a better tone? Not to
> say that my tone is bad it just seems thin at times. Any advice will
> be greatly appreciated! Thanks! P*}}