I was wondering what some easy surf songs to start learning
were. Any help is appreciated!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kkamphaus <>
> Hello,
> I was wondering what some easy surf songs to start learning
> were. Any help is appreciated!
> Kevin
Hi Kevin!
"Easy" is pretty subjective...There is always our old and much maligned
friend "Wipe Out". "Mr Moto" has a beginner friendly riff. "The Hearse" by
the Astronauts is pretty easy.
I've also learned a lot from some of the slower songs that The Shadows Atlantis and Theme For Young Lovers.
"The Bells of St. Kahuna" and other Slacktone favorites are pretty easy
too....easy to make you want to give up the guitar altogether.... :)
I was also thinking of maybe starting off with some Duane Eddy
stuff (even though he's not surf).
--- In , "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: kkamphaus <KEVIN_AND_JULIE_KAMPHAUS@H...>
> ...
> > Hello,
> >
> > I was wondering what some easy surf songs to start learning
> > were. Any help is appreciated!
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> Hi Kevin!
> "Easy" is pretty subjective...There is always our old and much
> friend "Wipe Out". "Mr Moto" has a beginner friendly riff. "The
Hearse" by
> the Astronauts is pretty easy.
> I've also learned a lot from some of the slower songs that The
> Atlantis and Theme For Young Lovers.
> "The Bells of St. Kahuna" and other Slacktone favorites are pretty
> too....easy to make you want to give up the guitar altogether.... :)
> BN
There's always some Ventures stuff that sounds cool, like pipeline,
journey to the stars (bit more dificult), Surf rider etc....
Also take a look at Roland Bettenville's homepage and check out the surf
primer, wich actually has surf lesseons on it.
Have fun,
Jerry S. from Belgium
"The Ohmmen"