Hi all,
I've just been asked to explain exactly why single coils are more
preferable than humbuckers (generally speaking) in surf music. I was
able to cobble together some semblance of an answer describing the
attack response and tonal qualities, but perhaps someone can help me
with a more definitive answer.
Danny Snyder
Generally speaking, single coils are brighter with
better defined lows. They typically have less output
in voltage to drive the amp but make up for it in a
wider frequency response....Humbuckers typically are
more midrange focused and have much more output,
easily driving the inputs of most common amps to a
somewhat distorted stage...Each have their own
personality and there are exceptions to all these
rules. As say the filtertron Gretsch pickups which
have much more highs than say your everday Gibson
pickup. The basic reason for the difference is in the
number of total winds on the pickup cores.. The more
wire, the more inductance which kills the highs...
fact of life. There are other little things you can
do to sort of adjust the sound of your guitar. Got
humbucks? go with a 1 meg volume pot.....more
highs....Got too much screetch in your Jazzmaster?
Swap out the 1 meg pot for a 500K....smoother on top
(slightly less output) All sorts of cool things you
can do with your guitar!!!!!Have soldering
iron.....will play! Eddie Katcher
--- wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just been asked to explain exactly why single
> coils are more
> preferable than humbuckers (generally speaking) in
> surf music. I was
> able to cobble together some semblance of an answer
> describing the
> attack response and tonal qualities, but perhaps
> someone can help me
> with a more definitive answer.
> Danny Snyder
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005