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great surf music in NY, NJ this past weekend

Unsteady Freddie (schizofredric) - 19 Sep 2005 08:18:30

amazing week-end of reverb wetness in NY and NJ this past weekend
9th Wave -- dark, deep revereb, hot-roddy (is that a word?) as
ever! Rhythm section especially pounding a strong back-beat.
Negative Ed--Jesus he relly lets it rip. And Phred seems a lot more
comfortable (is that the right word?) behind Mike and Oceana now--
not afraid (again, is that the right word?) to bash it up...bravo
dudes, and dudette
Thurstons and Friends (3/4 of the Howlin Thurstons w/substitue bass
player and occasional vocalist) -- great to see the range of this
band; always felt the HT's were more rock than surf, though surely
a hot mix of both. Impressive (though I prefer the instro I ain't
complainin'). And Drummer Dave is the guy who brough this show
together at Desmonds...nice work my man.
Squid Pussy were as usual out of control intense wicked and
psychedelic (and maybe almost Satanic?). What an amazing depth of
sound for a 3-piece band. Guys, let's record some of this
stuff....get a CD ready! They never drop their raw power, any of
the times I have seen them. Strong stage presence, groovy band.
Fin-Dicators - still a "new" band in many senses, yet the maturity
shown in the handful of times I have seen/heard them indicates they
rehearse their asses off. I think the playing was tight, the song
choices -- mixing trad and originals - was just terrific. Must
point out the originals, especially, are really great compositions.
Stay the course dudes.
should mention I trekked down to Princeton in the afternoon to see
the SHARKSKINS play live outdoors--in front of the WHOLE FOODS
store, no less (the store's 1-year anniversary); granted, not a
true "venue", but this band blows it out...each time I catch them
live, I am awestruck at how tight their musicnaship is, how clean
their sound is. Buddy Love Goo and Dash Riprock trading licks on
lead -- love that Fender Dash was playing with custom matching
headstock...gorgeous! Javier is one great bass player and Rod, clad
in complete purple (drums, shirt and matching towel) - well, he's
gotta be 6'8" maybe? So needless to say, he makes quite a
statement. Got their new CD too...kicks ass.
Yesterday afternoon I stopped by the LIC (as in Long Island City)
Bar in Queens...caught 2 of 3 sets by VENICE BEAHC MUSCLE CLUB, and
met some of their family members too. Just a great bunch of people
playing surf music with joy and passion. I just love 'em. And EVAN
can pick, double-pick (it seemed like triple-pick at times!) with
the best of 'em. Some originals too were offered. So how come the
drummer (Todd) writes a powerful new twangy tune, huh? The durmmer?
C'mon you 4, give us more originals!
Some great surf-music to be had/heard/witnessed/grooved on in the NY
tri-state area this past week-end, and for that, I am most
grateful. Gotta also mention the Blue StingRaye (with members of
her family) was at all 3 gigs too.
