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Re: Vintone / was...Cosmoverb

Jeff (bigtikidude) - 12 Sep 2005 12:26:03

Damn, those are beautiful!!
--- In , dave wronski <stickmandw@y...>
> Here's a Reverb Unit to consider. It really looks like
> a quality piece.
> -dave
> --- mono_tones_1 <rockverb@h...> wrote:
> > that would be me then. see below. post got a bit
> > long, sorry.
> >
> > --- In , "theo_reverb"
> > <theo_reverb@y...>
> > wrote:
> > > Hiho once again.
> > > Someone in this group owns a cosmoverb if I
> > remember correctly. Could
> > > you please answer me some questions?
> > > Is it a fender rebuild?
> >
> > From what I saw, it's 6G15 specs, and they claim
> > it's so, but it's been
> > a long time since i opened it up. I could check it
> > completly for you,
> > but it will take some time, possibly weeks before i
> > have time to check
> > it.
> >
> > it is newly hand build, the exterior is done very
> > professionally (looks
> > like a factory job). nice feature is that the front
> > panel is a double
> > sheet of perspex with a (high quality) printed
> > carton inbetween - this
> > allows for very easy customized frontpanel.
> > the inside chasis is handcrafted form alu sheet,
> > 'you could have done
> > that yourself' style, but it sturdy and functional.
> > it is TRUE point to
> > point, meaning there is no circuitboard, but all
> > components are
> > soldered directly between tubes, trannies, pots and
> > inputs.
> > it uses modern high grade components rather then
> > vintage or vintage-
> > like ones (such as oranged drops or Atoms). because
> > of the way it's
> > wired (no circuit board) it would be very dfficult
> > to swap parts should
> > you wish to do so, installing a hoffmanboard would
> > be impossible.
> >
> > > Is the sound similar to the fender reverb? Do
> > > the muted sounds splash as we all know from the
> > fenders?
> >
> > sounds more like a marshall guv'nor - sorry, of
> > course it's similar -
> > it's a tube reverb. How close it gets to a fender
> > reverb - never dealt
> > with one of those in my rig or even in the rehearsal
> > room - so i can
> > only compare to what i've seen on stage and heard on
> > records, which is
> > not a fair comparison, and many tanks sound
> > different in any case.
> >
> > that being said - after a very neccesary tube swap
> > (tubes it came with
> > weren't bad, but they were difintly selected not
> > with a surf guitarist
> > in mind. 6V6 in any case.) and the cap mod (silver
> > mica 390p) it's very
> > surfy, i like it a lot. it does do the splash, but
> > it doesn't seem to
> > splash as much as i hear on some records. however,
> > it might be the
> > settings i use (6 6 6 ish), and my particular guitar
> > (not a standard
> > config strat, jag or JM, so I again i can't really
> > compare) I think I
> > can get it to splash as splash should be by tweaking
> > the settings and
> > play with mucho attack, but playing lead in a
> > rehearsal room situation,
> > the sound gets to muddy for the normal lead work (i
> > don 't play much
> > backing) and i just never tweak my gear once it's
> > set.
> >
> > My feeling is that it is very very close to what a
> > fender tank SHOULD
> > sound like, but it does sound a little different.
> > but then again,
> > having read hundreds of postings on reverb tanks on
> > this list, I think
> > many Fender tanks sound a bit different then what a
> > fender tank should
> > sound like.
> >
> > however, considering the price of the cosmoverb,
> > shipping costs and
> > tube swap - I think a fender RI can be had for the
> > same, with money to
> > spare for a little flight case, to compensate for
> > the lesser build
> > quality? which i am skeptical about anyway, because
> > we see posts of
> > people with broken down tanks, but who knows, many
> > people might never
> > have had problems and just not posts about it.
> > cosmoverb never gave me
> > trouble. but I don't kick it, haven 't dropped it
> > yet, don 't cary it
> > in a flightcase either.
> >
> >
> > Can it be
> > > purcahsed with the tone-cap mod?
> >
> > not sure but it's very easy to do yourself. also,
> > the effect on the
> > sound is by far not as drastic or important as a
> > tube swap, imho. you
> > can drop 'em a line, friendly people and they do
> > speak english. I
> > bought mine over two years ago, mybe they have
> > changed some thing since
> > then, again, drop 'em a line
> >
> >
> > CONCLUDING: all the above is valid, but realize that
> > making claims of
> > how it sounds is based on unfair comparison with
> > different gear. I
> > personally think both the cosmoverb and waiting for
> > a good deal on a RI
> > are excellent choices, and should I have to make it
> > again, I might go
> > for the RI this time. who knows.
> >
> > the clips on our website (
> > ) were recorded
> > with the cosmoverb on lead guitar - korean strat on
> > just midpup (SD
> > SSL!) through tank through a twin running too hot
> > (found that out
> > later ;-) into one ALTEC 15" speaker.
> >
> > mind you, since then I changed to a (blackfaced) '71
> > bassman into JBL
> > D140F's, changed to different 12AX7 and 12AT7 tubes
> > in the tank, and
> > installed jag pups in the strat (next to the SD),
> > and I am overall a
> > lot more satisfied with my sound now, and the tank
> > comes out surfier
> > now then before.
> >
> > btw, aren't you in germany? if you are anywhere near
> > the dutch border
> > you might think it worthwhile to pay me visit and
> > actually check it
> > out. you'd be welcome.
> >
> > hope all that helps,
> >
> > WR
> >
> >
> > Hope you can help me out.
> > > Regards,
> > > Theo
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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