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theo_reverb - 11 Sep 2005 11:13:51

Hiho once again.
Someone in this group owns a cosmoverb if I remember correctly. Could
you please answer me some questions?
Is it a fender rebuild? Is the sound similar to the fender reverb? Do
the muted sounds splash as we all know from the fenders? Can it be
purcahsed with the tone-cap mod? Hope you can help me out.


mono_tones_1 - 12 Sep 2005 04:03:44

that would be me then. see below. post got a bit long, sorry.
--- In , "theo_reverb" <theo_reverb@y...>
> Hiho once again.
> Someone in this group owns a cosmoverb if I remember correctly. Could
> you please answer me some questions?
> Is it a fender rebuild?
From what I saw, it's 6G15 specs, and they claim it's so, but it's been
a long time since i opened it up. I could check it completly for you,
but it will take some time, possibly weeks before i have time to check
it is newly hand build, the exterior is done very professionally (looks
like a factory job). nice feature is that the front panel is a double
sheet of perspex with a (high quality) printed carton inbetween - this
allows for very easy customized frontpanel.
the inside chasis is handcrafted form alu sheet, 'you could have done
that yourself' style, but it sturdy and functional. it is TRUE point to
point, meaning there is no circuitboard, but all components are
soldered directly between tubes, trannies, pots and inputs.
it uses modern high grade components rather then vintage or vintage-
like ones (such as oranged drops or Atoms). because of the way it's
wired (no circuit board) it would be very dfficult to swap parts should
you wish to do so, installing a hoffmanboard would be impossible.
> Is the sound similar to the fender reverb? Do
> the muted sounds splash as we all know from the fenders?
sounds more like a marshall guv'nor - sorry, of course it's similar -
it's a tube reverb. How close it gets to a fender reverb - never dealt
with one of those in my rig or even in the rehearsal room - so i can
only compare to what i've seen on stage and heard on records, which is
not a fair comparison, and many tanks sound different in any case.
that being said - after a very neccesary tube swap (tubes it came with
weren't bad, but they were difintly selected not with a surf guitarist
in mind. 6V6 in any case.) and the cap mod (silver mica 390p) it's very
surfy, i like it a lot. it does do the splash, but it doesn't seem to
splash as much as i hear on some records. however, it might be the
settings i use (6 6 6 ish), and my particular guitar (not a standard
config strat, jag or JM, so I again i can't really compare) I think I
can get it to splash as splash should be by tweaking the settings and
play with mucho attack, but playing lead in a rehearsal room situation,
the sound gets to muddy for the normal lead work (i don 't play much
backing) and i just never tweak my gear once it's set.
My feeling is that it is very very close to what a fender tank SHOULD
sound like, but it does sound a little different. but then again,
having read hundreds of postings on reverb tanks on this list, I think
many Fender tanks sound a bit different then what a fender tank should
sound like.
however, considering the price of the cosmoverb, shipping costs and
tube swap - I think a fender RI can be had for the same, with money to
spare for a little flight case, to compensate for the lesser build
quality? which i am skeptical about anyway, because we see posts of
people with broken down tanks, but who knows, many people might never
have had problems and just not posts about it. cosmoverb never gave me
trouble. but I don't kick it, haven 't dropped it yet, don 't cary it
in a flightcase either.
Can it be
> purcahsed with the tone-cap mod?
not sure but it's very easy to do yourself. also, the effect on the
sound is by far not as drastic or important as a tube swap, imho. you
can drop 'em a line, friendly people and they do speak english. I
bought mine over two years ago, mybe they have changed some thing since
then, again, drop 'em a line
CONCLUDING: all the above is valid, but realize that making claims of
how it sounds is based on unfair comparison with different gear. I
personally think both the cosmoverb and waiting for a good deal on a RI
are excellent choices, and should I have to make it again, I might go
for the RI this time. who knows.
the clips on our website ( ) were recorded
with the cosmoverb on lead guitar - korean strat on just midpup (SD
SSL!) through tank through a twin running too hot (found that out
later ;-) into one ALTEC 15" speaker.
mind you, since then I changed to a (blackfaced) '71 bassman into JBL
D140F's, changed to different 12AX7 and 12AT7 tubes in the tank, and
installed jag pups in the strat (next to the SD), and I am overall a
lot more satisfied with my sound now, and the tank comes out surfier
now then before.
btw, aren't you in germany? if you are anywhere near the dutch border
you might think it worthwhile to pay me visit and actually check it
out. you'd be welcome.
hope all that helps,
Hope you can help me out.
> Regards,
> Theo


theo_reverb - 12 Sep 2005 06:54:17

Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately I don´t live very
near to the boarder (bochum) so the travelling costs would be fairly
high, but thank you for that! I´m going to listen to the samples as
soon as I can!


dave wronski (stickmandw) - 12 Sep 2005 07:14:32

Here's a Reverb Unit to consider. It really looks like
a quality piece.
--- mono_tones_1 <> wrote:
> that would be me then. see below. post got a bit
> long, sorry.
> --- In , "theo_reverb"
> <theo_reverb@y...>
> wrote:
> > Hiho once again.
> > Someone in this group owns a cosmoverb if I
> remember correctly. Could
> > you please answer me some questions?
> > Is it a fender rebuild?
> From what I saw, it's 6G15 specs, and they claim
> it's so, but it's been
> a long time since i opened it up. I could check it
> completly for you,
> but it will take some time, possibly weeks before i
> have time to check
> it.
> it is newly hand build, the exterior is done very
> professionally (looks
> like a factory job). nice feature is that the front
> panel is a double
> sheet of perspex with a (high quality) printed
> carton inbetween - this
> allows for very easy customized frontpanel.
> the inside chasis is handcrafted form alu sheet,
> 'you could have done
> that yourself' style, but it sturdy and functional.
> it is TRUE point to
> point, meaning there is no circuitboard, but all
> components are
> soldered directly between tubes, trannies, pots and
> inputs.
> it uses modern high grade components rather then
> vintage or vintage-
> like ones (such as oranged drops or Atoms). because
> of the way it's
> wired (no circuit board) it would be very dfficult
> to swap parts should
> you wish to do so, installing a hoffmanboard would
> be impossible.
> > Is the sound similar to the fender reverb? Do
> > the muted sounds splash as we all know from the
> fenders?
> sounds more like a marshall guv'nor - sorry, of
> course it's similar -
> it's a tube reverb. How close it gets to a fender
> reverb - never dealt
> with one of those in my rig or even in the rehearsal
> room - so i can
> only compare to what i've seen on stage and heard on
> records, which is
> not a fair comparison, and many tanks sound
> different in any case.
> that being said - after a very neccesary tube swap
> (tubes it came with
> weren't bad, but they were difintly selected not
> with a surf guitarist
> in mind. 6V6 in any case.) and the cap mod (silver
> mica 390p) it's very
> surfy, i like it a lot. it does do the splash, but
> it doesn't seem to
> splash as much as i hear on some records. however,
> it might be the
> settings i use (6 6 6 ish), and my particular guitar
> (not a standard
> config strat, jag or JM, so I again i can't really
> compare) I think I
> can get it to splash as splash should be by tweaking
> the settings and
> play with mucho attack, but playing lead in a
> rehearsal room situation,
> the sound gets to muddy for the normal lead work (i
> don 't play much
> backing) and i just never tweak my gear once it's
> set.
> My feeling is that it is very very close to what a
> fender tank SHOULD
> sound like, but it does sound a little different.
> but then again,
> having read hundreds of postings on reverb tanks on
> this list, I think
> many Fender tanks sound a bit different then what a
> fender tank should
> sound like.
> however, considering the price of the cosmoverb,
> shipping costs and
> tube swap - I think a fender RI can be had for the
> same, with money to
> spare for a little flight case, to compensate for
> the lesser build
> quality? which i am skeptical about anyway, because
> we see posts of
> people with broken down tanks, but who knows, many
> people might never
> have had problems and just not posts about it.
> cosmoverb never gave me
> trouble. but I don't kick it, haven 't dropped it
> yet, don 't cary it
> in a flightcase either.
> Can it be
> > purcahsed with the tone-cap mod?
> not sure but it's very easy to do yourself. also,
> the effect on the
> sound is by far not as drastic or important as a
> tube swap, imho. you
> can drop 'em a line, friendly people and they do
> speak english. I
> bought mine over two years ago, mybe they have
> changed some thing since
> then, again, drop 'em a line
> CONCLUDING: all the above is valid, but realize that
> making claims of
> how it sounds is based on unfair comparison with
> different gear. I
> personally think both the cosmoverb and waiting for
> a good deal on a RI
> are excellent choices, and should I have to make it
> again, I might go
> for the RI this time. who knows.
> the clips on our website (
> ) were recorded
> with the cosmoverb on lead guitar - korean strat on
> just midpup (SD
> SSL!) through tank through a twin running too hot
> (found that out
> later ;-) into one ALTEC 15" speaker.
> mind you, since then I changed to a (blackfaced) '71
> bassman into JBL
> D140F's, changed to different 12AX7 and 12AT7 tubes
> in the tank, and
> installed jag pups in the strat (next to the SD),
> and I am overall a
> lot more satisfied with my sound now, and the tank
> comes out surfier
> now then before.
> btw, aren't you in germany? if you are anywhere near
> the dutch border
> you might think it worthwhile to pay me visit and
> actually check it
> out. you'd be welcome.
> hope all that helps,
> WR
> Hope you can help me out.
> > Regards,
> > Theo
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mono_tones_1 - 12 Sep 2005 08:13:53

I 'll see if i can do a quick clip of my new better sound soon, just
for the idea - if you can afford it, go with Dave's suggestion anyway,
man does that look sweet! (and keep the tubes it comes with)
--- In , "theo_reverb" <theo_reverb@y...>
> Hi!
> Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately I don´t live very
> near to the boarder (bochum) so the travelling costs would be fairly
> high, but thank you for that! I´m going to listen to the samples as
> soon as I can!
> Regards,
> Theo


theo_reverb - 12 Sep 2005 09:47:50

wow! it would be very nice if you could do so.
Do you remember how they sent it to you? were there any problems with


theo_reverb - 12 Sep 2005 09:49:46

hell yeah this looks really nice, but it wipes out all the ideas I had
about the price....


mono_tones_1 - 12 Sep 2005 15:37:39

--- In , "theo_reverb"
<theo_reverb@y...> wrote:
> wow! it would be very nice if you could do so.
I'll do my best, however, my wife being 39 weeks pregnant makes it a
bit difficult to promise anything *for sure* - I think i have
something on our recorder in the rehearsal room, i'll try to mix some
to the pc this week
> Do you remember how they sent it to you?
In a big sturdy box, completly filled out with styro chips, the unit
itself wrapped in plastic. all the appropriate signs on the box,
hipped with UPS, a very conscientious companyin m experience, more
carefull with your stuff then dutch postal services.
were there any problems with
> damages?
In my case: none whatsoever
> Theo


theo_reverb - 13 Sep 2005 05:02:14

Ok that sounds quiet safe :)
Best wishes to your wife!
son or daughter?
