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I need a New AX!

threw_it_away - 07 Dec 2001 09:20:56

I'm Looking for a Beat to hell Mosewright, or any cool Japaneese
guitar. does anybody know where i can find one.


reverbmike1127 - 08 Dec 2001 13:19:36

If you watch what your doing, you can get some great deals on eBay. I have
purchased two Jazzmasters and a Twin Reverb amp with great success. Just know
what you want and what you're willing to pay. Sooner or later you will find
it. Just be careful!
Mike Finney
13804 Castlemaine Ave.
Bakersfield, CA 93312
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


dei77 - 26 Dec 2001 18:19:39

I haven't played them yet, but I here Reverend makes some killer surf
guitars. They look like high-end Danelectros, but with an offset
body ala jazzmaster. Seen 'em on ebay for arround 400 bucks. Not
bad for a quality surf guitar. But like most, I'd stick with the
jazzmaster. They're the only guitars I play. Oh, and stay away from
the reissue ones, they're crap. The pickup cover is big like a
jazzmaster, but they're wound just like the strats!
Damon Devilsurf
--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "threw_it_away" <oldschoolsteev@h...>
> I'm Looking for a Beat to hell Mosewright, or any cool Japaneese
> guitar. does anybody know where i can find one.


xarxas - 27 Dec 2001 13:15:51

Hi...a lot of people have gotten a lot of mileage out of the Japanese
reissue Jags & Jazzmasters after replacing the pickups. You can get
replacement pickups from Seymour Duncan, or you can even buy the
pickups Fender is putting in the American Vintage reissues.
--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "dei77" <dei77@y...> wrote:
> [...]
> But like most, I'd stick with the
> jazzmaster. They're the only guitars I play. Oh, and stay away
> the reissue ones, they're crap. The pickup cover is big like a
> jazzmaster, but they're wound just like the strats!
> Damon Devilsurf
> --- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "threw_it_away" <oldschoolsteev@h...>
> wrote:
> > I'm Looking for a Beat to hell Mosewright, or any cool Japaneese
> > guitar. does anybody know where i can find one.


m guerrero (guitarfinkout) - 27 Dec 2001 13:57:59

the mij jazmasters/jags aren't bad guitars by any
means. but once you get through replacing the
pickups, bridge, tuners, and other hardware, you've
spent nearly the amount of one of the MIA models -
which are fine guitars, right out of the box.
--- xarxas <> wrote:
Hi...a lot of people have gotten a lot of mileage out
of the Japanese <BR>
reissue Jags &amp; Jazzmasters after replacing the
pickups. You can get <BR>
replacement pickups from Seymour Duncan, or you can
even buy the <BR>
pickups Fender is putting in the American Vintage
--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., &quot;dei77&quot;
&lt;dei77@y...&gt; wrote:<BR>
&gt; [...]<BR>
&gt; But like most, I'd stick with the <BR>
&gt; jazzmaster.&nbsp; They're the only guitars I
play.&nbsp; Oh, and stay away <BR>
from <BR>
&gt; the reissue ones, they're crap.&nbsp; The pickup
cover is big like a <BR>
&gt; jazzmaster, but they're wound just like the
&gt; <BR>
&gt; Damon Devilsurf<BR>
&gt; --- In SurfGuitar101@y...,
&quot;threw_it_away&quot; &lt;oldschoolsteev@h...&gt;
&gt; wrote:<BR>
&gt; &gt; I'm Looking for a Beat to hell Mosewright,
or any cool Japaneese <BR>
&gt; &gt; guitar. does anybody know where i can find
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