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robi biloderic (bitchboysi) - 01 Sep 2005 16:43:06

Dear USA Surf Guardian Angels!
it's been exctly one week and 30 minutes since my girlfriend and me returned
from the unforgetable vocation in NYC and areas around (thanks to you!!) !
I am really sorry i couldn't write a propper mail before but, we had slept for
first 3 days when we arrived and later i was ill ... probably because of the
shock of being in real life again!
Unfortunatelly i haven't developed and burned pic. so far but as soon as i get
them i will share a brief photo- summary with you !!..
The first one is definatelly Unsteaddy Freddy, the magnificent guy who picked up
us the first day we arrived and took us to Pensilvania to the MUSIKFEST to see
Straight jackets and another fine band... unfortunatelly i forgot the name but
they sure sounded great and twangy... The big surprise was to see RIP CHORDS
live there, too !! Oh what a really nice, polite and so open hearted guys !!!
Have their Cd signed...cooool !
More Angels ?? Definatelly!!! ... there is actually a super angel couple living
in woods of Connecticut- MIKE & SANDY of the 9th wave ... their hospitally can
not measure with any Hilton or super class hotels !!! First they were kind
enough to invite us to their home, then treated us like presidents (diner,
breakfast, galons of beer ha ha , perfect romantic room!!!!!!!----). Later they
took us to Boston to see 4 marvelous bands which i can't forget !!!
i can still see the farewell concert by THEY'RE GONNA GET YOU and their tornado
on the stage (guitar smashing, reverb crashes by amps falling down ha ha ...!!)
. a really killing surf- later i was talking to the bassplayer and explained him
they are a brilliant band and that i can't wait to see their last perfiormance
on DVD and show it to the rest of Bitch Boys (so if you read this...PLEASE DON'T
Later our Super angels appeared on stage ...9th wave was on stage...killing hot
rod surf which you probably know better...but still can't belive Mike invited me
to the stage for 2 classics... Pipeline and a bit longer Miserlou !
The last band was Shinto Kings... the saddest part of the night was realising
they don't have a Cd to offer... such monster 60' sound i have never probably
heard live !!! Brilliant, Brillliant. Please realease an album as soon as
possible !!! And after the show -there were more and more nice people that we
met like the guy from Undertows who was... you can guess...kind enough to offer
me a CD--like i said you're cool , open hearted and really really nice people !!
Oh yes... and how did all started... well angel Freddy invited us to surf party
with The Clams ...unfortunatelly we missed some show because we couldn't find
that place...however we were able to catch »part 2« of really great show with 2
+ 1 dancers... one of them was well known angel Sandy and the other was Bronx
No1 Angel- Blue Stingray. That lovely person actually offered us a place to
sleep for free... which was a real shock. THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH !!!
oK, so there was also dear friend Mike whome we met 2 years ago and he brought A
BUNCH OF MARVELOUS CDs which made my heart surf and smile!! Couldn't belive my
eyes... And the Clams were kind enough to give me one...for free again !!! such
nice people in one place ??? anyway, we continued to another rockabilly party
with Rock Cats and soon realised that Mike & Sandy were inviting us to their
sweet home in following days... the rest of this great trip and story you
already know !!
More angels ?? Of Course – who brought us to mike & Sandy's place ?? Bill of
Fin-Dicators- another nice friend who drowe from New Jersey to pick up in NYC,
take us to Connecticut,.... and bring us back. I know a saying »what goes around
, comes around« but we still don't know when we will be able to pay back all of
you guys !!?
And for the perfect end of this romantic-surf short story- WE FINNALY MET OUR
SWEET WEBMASTER SARAH POWEL, who came all the way from Tennessee to see us and
spend 3 nights in NYC (please don't ask her about the price she paid for the
hotel!!) what a really super kind person (actually my lost and found baby sister
ha ha ). Thank you again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And who helped the NYC vocation ended in most glamurous way... angel Freddy and
his Godess...they invited us to prestige bar at Times Square with perfect view
on New York streets on one side and sign MONY on the other side... you know
which MONY...the one that made that guy write a song in late 60' (later covered
by Billy Idol). After checking the chocolate bar and buying the last CD (J.
Frank Wilson & The cavaliers- LAST KISS SESSIONS) it was time to say Good Bye...
Yours Darja and Robi
p.s. oh yes, there is actually one really really small bad point we noticed
while spending time in USA- your toilet paper is so
really don't wanna know what happened to me... actually twice ...
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