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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Floppy AVRI tremolo bars.......

John McCorvey (eddiekatcher) - 28 Aug 2005 00:14:06

It seems to me that the good guys at Fender missed the
boat on the AVRI tremolo arm too. If they are making
these units with the old tooling....well, that tooling
is flat worn out....Now here's how I fix mine.....I
put an extremely fine bend (a VERY slight bow) in the
lower section of the bar where it fits down inside the
tube.....It doesn't take much, and I'm not
kidding...Just a tad...this also makes for a far more
accurate tremolo action by taking the lateral play and
slop out. This SLIGHT bend I'm talking about in
almost impossible to see....but that is all that's
needed. A quick fix that I have used on all my AVRI
J&J's since they were reissued. I'm pretty sure I
haven't had to re-adjust any of them since......Happy
to help.......Eddie K
--- DP <> wrote:
> --- In , "mom_surfing"
> wrote:
> "...he too said he was having trouble with the bar
> flopping
> around and one of his friends suggested earth
> magnets which
> work really well. (i'd never heard of an earth
> magnet
> before, but they are tiny little magnets with a lot
> of
> power)..."
> ...are those "rare-earth" neodymium-iron-boron type
> magets? they have a negative effect on the
> pickups or
> other guitar electronics? my tremolo bar is flopping
> around, and I might just give those magnets a try...
> -dp
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