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Blackface Bandmaster amp (

Kahuna Kawentzmann (kawentzmann) - 04 Dec 2001 12:54:38

I have a 64 Fender Bandmaster amp, and am quite happy
with it. The only thing I would like to modify on the
amp is the tremolo (called vibrato). It is really
shallow. Is this common on Bandmasters, or is this due
to mismatching replacement parts?
I hope there is a simple mod to make the tremolo
really deep, since I really prefer amp trem over the
stompbox option.
Is there a site on the web dealing with this kind of
amp mods?
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bighollowtwang - 04 Dec 2001 23:50:25

--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., Kahuna Kawentzmann <kawentzmann@y...>
> I hope there is a simple mod to make the tremolo
> really deep, since I really prefer amp trem over the
> stompbox option.
You can mod it to power tube modulation (like brownface Princeton and
Deluxe and Tremolux and Vibroverb amps) instead of the typical
blackface oscillator.
This won't sound as rich and full as the "true vibrato" tremolo found
in the bigger brownface amps (Super, Concert, Pro, Bandmaster,
Showman, Twin) but it will be a great deal deeper than the
blackface/silverface type tremolo. It's more of a pulsating sound
than an on/off sound, much more appropriate for surf IMHO.
