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younger fans. was Varatones on MTV

Chris (kahunatikiman) - 28 Jul 2005 11:12:46

--- In , "Jacob Dobner"
<jacobdobner@y...> wrote:
We have young 15-16 year old kids come up to us all the time.
> They are more enthusiastic then some of the older people.
I have noticed this too, Jacob. 3- or 4 gigs this summer have had
younger kids there. We played an all ages show and a bunch of 15-16
year old kids were standing front and center, really digging the
sound. They all talked about how cool it was after the show, and
wanted some cd's and stickers.
We also played a show at a bar, and the band after us was
underage and couldn't go in until they played, but they stood
outside and listened, and when we were loading gear afterwards,
the came up and complimented us and said how much they liked it.
They played thrash metal, but really liked what we did.
I think they like it because of the energy surf music has....
