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Hypnotic IV was Re: Mosrite copies (with a hint of Baritone)

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 27 Jul 2005 21:18:23

--- In , "Bill Bergstrom"
<swingin_cat@h...> wrote:
> My buddy Andy, formerly of the Hypnotic IV, is a big Moserite-phile,
> and is also the reason I decided to get one after much hemming and
> hawing.
Do you know what is up with the Hypnotic IV? Your use of the word
"formerly" in the above sentence is scaring me....
How did Andy get their Fillmore Mosrite endorsement?
If you see him, please give him regards from Brian & Shari. We had a
lot of fun meeting him and the band that night in Sacramento more than
a year ago now. It would be too bad if the Hypnotic IV are no more.
I tried to get him to join the list but I guess I didn't twist his arm
hard enough. Seeing the Hypnotic IV with their backline of Showmans
from all eras was very inspiring.


Bill Bergstrom (surfbandbill) - 28 Jul 2005 22:25:38

Hey Brian,
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the Hypnotic IV called
it quits roughly a year back. I keep in sporadic contact with Andy,
and honestly, the central reason behind their split was Andy and his
wife's new baby, who by my math must be almost a year old by now.
That also explains why their website was last updated on July 1 of
I know that we in Rat-land really miss the H4, because in their last
year, we really got to be buddies with them. I've had them crash at
my place before, and we could always rely on fun, intoxicated times
with those guys. Hell, we partied so hard with them the last time we
played together in Fresno that our drummer's sister almost made
everyone sleep in the vans.
The last show we played together was at the SF Yacht club, and we had
a BLAST with both drum kits set up, and Taylor and Kevin playing
together on 2 LR songs and 2 H4 songs. I got so inspired
during "Parasite Beach" that I jumped up and grabbed Jay's Jag to
play rhythm the rest of the way out from the drum solo. (of course
realize that I'm 6'2 and 240, while Jay is probably 5'5 and 125 --
talk about short straps!!!!)
Hopefully one day they'll all dust off their Showmans and have
another go at it. To my knowledge, there was no bad blood or
bitterness in the breakup. I know that last I heard from Andy, he
said he was starting to get the surf itch again, so we'll keep our
collective fingers crossed that he finds his way back to the fold.
