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The Surfacers

Daniel Kubon (fuzznsurf) - 26 Jul 2005 02:35:57

> I've heard a few tracks from The Surfacers and they sound good.
> Anyone know anything about them?<
The Surfacers CD came out in 2004 via the greek label "green cookie"
[also released The Insect Surfers, Mutants]. They come from Buenos
Aires and are now playin as a trio. On their website you can hear some
soundexamples . My personal
favourite is The Russians, it`s a killer floorshaker.
Talkin bout cds released in 2005, the highlights for me are the new
Kilaueas - "Professor Vulkanowa" [in colored vinyl], The Space Agency -
"Kaleidoscopic Sounds", Stronzo Gelantino & The Boo-Men - 8 track demo
cd [can also be downloaded for free on their site], The Reluctant
Aquanauts CD and Kahuna Kawentzmann - "The Tiki & The Guitar" [okay, it
was released earlier..].
