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Unsteady Freddie (schizofredric) - 25 Jul 2005 08:08:46

OTTO’S SHRUNKEN HEAD in NYC was the place to be Friday July 22nd if you wanted
to have an evening chock full of surf/twang. Kudos to Strange Davr Rosenberg
for helping to keep the New York City scene alive and well for those that can’t
get enough live surf music.
Opening band was VENICE BEACH MUSCLE CLUB – a great 4-piece combo from the NY
area. Evan Dawson, the band’s lead guitarist, can pick, double-pick, and at
times it seemed like triple-pick, with the best of ‘em. And his stage presence
and sense of humor is right up my alley…dark twisted and just plain nutzoid.
Great band! One to keep an eye on. Lots of trad surf and some originals, in
their unique styling. is their website. They
will be playing an SURF-ROCK SHINDIG I am throwing at Lillie’s Bar in Red Hook
(Brooklyn) on August 27th (along with The Outpatients and This Spy Surfs).
Next up STRANGE BUT SURF. Led by Strange Dave, this group has really grown
(afraid to say ‘matured’, and Strange Dave knows what I mean). Andrea Atlantis
on bass is a terrific addition to the group; totally dig the 60’s retro dress
too! No more keyboards means a less jazzy sound, and a much much more
surf-rock sound. One couldn’t help but notice to glee between the band-mates;
I was really moved to see the band-members interact during and after their set
in such a warm, friendly, goofy way – isnt that what surf music live is all
about – having fun? I will go out on a limb here and say that if this band
keeps going in the direction they are going, and rehearses hard, and keeps
playing live gigs, they will ultimately put out a great CD. Most of the
material they perform is ‘original’. And BRAVO to Strange Dave for putting
together such a great show. is the website.
From Maryland, next came REVERB GALAXY. I had the
pleasure of working with this band last December at a show I threw together at
JAXX’S in Virginia with 3 other bands (they were then known as MEGA-TSUNAMI but
opted wisely for a new name). Killer performance from this great foursome! Dig
the space-age one-piece outfits and neon glasses. I’m a big believer in the
‘uniform’ stage look for surf bands. I think it’s the way to go. Mixed their
set with several covers and lots of originals. Believe they sold-out their four
song EP/CD’s too. They probably got the strongest reception of the evening.
Tight band, hot stuff.
MR. ACTION & THE BOSS GUITARS closed things out in the wee hours of the next
day. No originals here, just covers, but great versions, many done in their
unique arrangements. They got new shirts too – kept the balck and red thing –
look like a cross between barbers/bowlers/waiters – not a bad combo right?
This band’s humor and enthusiasm never disappoints me. They are one of the top
surf bands on the New York surf scene as well. Lead guitarist Joel Sebold’s
playing, where he just lays back and twangs, rarely looking at his guitar and/or
fingers, is the epitome of cool. The Lipscher Brothers continue to crack me up
– Seth on guitar and Marc on bass and also the band’s MC -- Seth in particular
seems to be having the time of his life on stage. And Mr. Action as per usual
keeping the steady back-beat and things swaying. If you haven’t seem ‘em live,
time to do so!
Unsteady Freddie
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