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[SurfGuitar101] Hiwatt Echo Theremin

Ran Mosessco (kick_the_reverb) - 22 Jul 2005 20:17:44

I have seen Phil Tiki from the Cocktail Preachers use one with his foot while
playing bass. It was pretty cool,to listen and watch. The Theremin itself is
pretty basic. Only has pitch control. Good for sci-fi effects.
The delay features do add to the fun factor.
When I saw Lydia Kavina she was playing a Russian made Theremin called t-vox
(she said it costs about 1000 Euro). She also said that the Theremin is no
harder to master than classical piano or voilin (Yikes!), which, of course, she
playes both. I havn't seen a lot of people that can match her playing.
Moog Etherwave - not bad, Paia Theremax - decent sound, but constantly drifiting
I'm planning to try to get an Electro-Theremin (a slide Theremin, not really a
proper Theremin), so I can actually play some melodies on it.
----- äåãòä î÷åøéú -----
îàú: Patrick <>
úàøéê: éåí å', éåìé 22, 2005 15:55
ðåùà: [SurfGuitar101] Hiwatt Echo Theremin
> Hey guys - I got a Hiwatt Echo Theremin for an early birthday
> present
> (actually, it hasn't come in yet), and I was wondering if any of
> you
> guys have messed around with one before? Honestly, I've never even
> seen one of these things, much less used one, so this should be
> interesting.
> Any theremin users?
> Patrick
> .
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