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vintage/lo-fi recording techniques WAS: guitar or amp?

mono_tones_1 - 22 Jul 2005 13:50:36

What a great thread this is - hope you guys don't mind I changed the
subject line ;-)
I notice that lo-fi seems to have different meanings. I holland, a
few years back, there was a lo-fi craze, where lo-fi meant doing
accoustic versions of your songs. sometimes people use it for bad
recordings, or with cheap gear. at other times it seems that lo-fi
can mean direct semi-live recording ... with two $10.000 vintage
But now, this thread is about recording techniques, right, and
getting vintage sound? I find this all particular iteresting,
because 'we' (not just my band but a group of friends that share the
rehearsalroom and a lot of gear as well) are in the proces of buying
recording gear, and we're sorta deciding which way we want to go with
recording - semi live or instruments seperatly, and close miking or
not. and then there is the choice between digital or analog - we have
digital 8tracker, but also a bunch of old tape-recorders - but with
not more then two tracks.
suggestions of what's wise?


Chris Sutor (bloobeary) - 22 Jul 2005 17:22:53

On Friday, July 22, 2005, at 02:50 PM, mono_tones_1 wrote:
> But now, this thread is about recording techniques, right, and
> getting vintage sound? I find this all particular iteresting,
> because 'we' (not just my band but a group of friends that share the
> rehearsalroom and a lot of gear as well) are in the proces of buying
> recording gear, and we're sorta deciding which way we want to go with
> recording - semi live or instruments seperatly, and close miking or
> not. and then there is the choice between digital or analog - we have
> digital 8tracker, but also a bunch of old tape-recorders - but with
> not more then two tracks.
> suggestions of what's wise?
I've got a plugin from Steinberg, called Magneto. I drop it in the top
channel of the mix, and color all the tracks with it - it's a "tape
saturation" plugin, that lets me mellow the sound out, and adds a bit
of warbly bleed, if you can understand that. It makes it sound more
like an analog recording, by removing the digital perfection of the
I can't seem to find a product page for it , but here's a review, with
a nice screenshot:
