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low-fi and jamming

Rob Campbell (robmantid) - 22 Jul 2005 13:24:33

Thanks a lot for thoughts here, and it reminds me that I actually
caught a Phantom Surfers show in 1990 or so... they wore masks and I
remember being amazed or at least amused that the guitarist could
drink a bottle of beer while playing (just biting the bottle, tilting
his head back, and gulping). Great show and great memories. I never
did get ahold of their recordings, they are now added to my list.
> > Now I just have to find a stunted bass player and drummer in long
> > beach area to jam with on non-sanctioned equipment...
> Long Beach area?? I don't think you should have much problem
> finding people who want to play surf music around there! Or at
> least, much less problem than anywhere else in the world.... Good
> luck!
Eh its not the area as much as finding someone willing to play with a
beginner. While I have noodled for 15 years, I've really only been
practicing with intent for a year or so, mostly on an acoustic. I've
loved surf music the whole time but only recently started to "go for
it" so I am shy about finding others to play with.
