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Brian Neal (xarxas) - 22 Jul 2005 07:54:37

I dunno, I've been very reluctant to say anything, as occasionally it
looks like the list is going to self-correct itself. I would very much
prefer this. A few people are making good points in between the
pot-shots. It's also good to vet and vent occasionally. Maybe that's
what's happening here.
However, the signal to noise ratio on this group has dropped
precipitously over the last few days. This isn't good, and this is
what I am mainly concerned about.
So here is a reminder:
Not everyone has to agree with each other, or even like each other. I
think some of the regulars have been chafing each other and this has
been building up for a while. My advice is to take your complaints to
private email and not bring the whole list down in flames. Or just
take a deep breath and roll your eyes at the remark that offends you,
and then let it go. Remember, as shocking as it may seem, not everyone
is going to agree with you.
And please, knock of the passive aggressive hostility. There is no
need for that. This is supposed to be fun, remember? Keep it up and you are
gone. I view the list as a party at my house, and if you come to the
party, you should not insult or snipe at my guests. Or even glare at
them menacingly from across the room. This includes ending sentences
with "Deal with it" and "Whatever". Lighten up.
Two people have crept dangerously close to the "no personal attacks"
rule. Cross it and I'll kick you off.
A few people are intentionally lobbing bombs, pushing people's
buttons, and trying stoke the flames. Please don't do that. You are
only adding to the noise.
Much to my continual surprise and amazement, the titans of the genre
(IMHO) have joined this list. Many of them, in my view, have ample
reason to spout off and continually bring up the accolades, world
tours, and stars they receive on their albums and shows. But they
don't...they are cool and humble. I also don't want these folks to
leave the list because it has disintegrated into a petty flame war.
I don't have time or the will to be a referee and it pisses me off
when I have to be one.
"Do not be excessively annoying to others, and do not be excessively
annoyed by others" is a favorite motto of mine in the context of
electronic discussions (anyone else remember where it's from?).
Go outside. Pet your dog. Play your guitar. Have a refreshing
beverage. Come back in a day or two and let's talk about surf music
and how to play it again.
-The Mgmt
And please do not mention "He who must not be named" i.e. persona non
grata numero uno (as funny as it is). That guy feeds off of any
publicity, even bad, and I'd rather not give him even that. I've lost
track of the times he has tried to join this group, and I'm sure he'll
slip in someday, but let's just not talk about him. Thanks.


Jacob Dobner (jacobdobner) - 22 Jul 2005 14:00:52

Is there a profanity filter on this list? If so you should turn it on
and add he who must not be named to the blocked words list.
--- In , Brian Neal <bgneal@g...> wrote:
> PS
> And please do not mention "He who must not be named" i.e. persona non
> grata numero uno (as funny as it is). That guy feeds off of any
> publicity, even bad, and I'd rather not give him even that. I've lost
> track of the times he has tried to join this group, and I'm sure he'll
> slip in someday, but let's just not talk about him. Thanks.
