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recent discussions about discussing

mono_tones_1 - 22 Jul 2005 04:22:08

maybe i shouldn't, but what the hell, I'll take my chances...
this I got from the list guidelines (in the files section):
"6. Do not be excessively annoying to others.
7. Do not be excessively annoyed by others.
Thank you and enjoy the list. Surf's up!"
things have been said that maybe needed to be said. personally, if i
have an issue with someone, I'd rather 'take it outside', i.e. off-
list. And now, I am going to type my ass of on ON TOPIC posts, in the
hope that we all can prevent this thing from escalating to the level
were the surf/non-surf content ratio of posts gets to a point where
people stop reading 'em alltogether.
my opinions don't matter. I play shitty music with a crap band. My
gear sucks. I am ugly as hell and have the smallest dick on this
list. - I said it first, can't touch me. ;-)
