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Re: Rat Holic / Bonney & Buzz CD's

Double Crown Records (contrec) - 19 Jul 2005 15:51:47

I've been following the discussion about our latest CD's from Bonney & Buzz
and Rat Holic - it's cool to hear the positive and negative feedback. I
haven't heard much about these releases, so it was neat to hear so much
discussion about them on this list. We also have another CD out by
Portugal's Dr. Frankenstein.
About the Bonney & Buzz using drum machines - I can honestly say they don't
sound mechanical or artificial. I have heard many CD's over the years from
surf/instro combos using drum machines, and they do sound pretty poor for
the most part, but I think most people will be pretty happy with the overall
sound of Bonney & Buzz's CD.
I haven't put it up on the website yet, but I am running a special now for
these releases - they're $12.75 each, plus postage ($3 within the US covers
1 or 2 CD's, $4 covers 1 or 2 CD's to Canada, and $5 covers 1 or 2 CD's
anywhere else in the world). If you'd like to order all three, it's $30.00,
<<including shipping anywhere in the world>>. You can also join the Double
Crown Music Club, and get 4 consecutive releases for $35 to any US address,
$40 to Canada and $45 anywhere else in the world. Payment can be sent via
Paypal to or mailed to:
Double Crown Records / The Continental Magazine
P.O. Box 4336
Bellingham, WA 98227-4336
Our next release will be by The Madiera, which should be out this fall. I am
also about 80% done with the preproduction work on the next Continental
magazine/CD, which will have interviews with Satan's Pilgrims and The Beat
Double Crown Records / The Continental Magazine
P.O. Box 4336 - Bellingham, WA 98227-4336
