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robi biloderic (bitchboysi) - 13 Jul 2005 02:00:18

hello to all of you !!
here's my theory :
I've learned classic guitar for many many years... actually started my music
trip with classic guitrar and really soon got in touch with the tremolo
One thing we should all know - since the calssic guitar is older a few centuries
than the elecric one, and since the songs for tremolo technick were written in
17th and 18th century...comes to the conclusion, that tremolo must be older than
double picking.
sorry for my english- it's not the best, but i think you will understand me; the
word double picking actually says it all- you don't pick only once in one
direction, but twice- in both direction and usually not with fingers (finger
the tremolo techinc is something completely different- it's a special finger
techinc when you play all the strings by THUMB except one string- on that string
you play with the rest of the fingers. of course "the main" string can vary from
part to part, the main point is that .
on one string !)
that way you get really really great sound effect and for hard classical pieces
a normal listener (not familiar with this techic) would say there are 3
guitarist playing...
i love this techinc and songs played in that style : ALHAMBRA, MALAGUENA, OLD
SPANISH SONG, FANTASIA ORIGINAL,.. actually have played at least one for my
final exams for each year in musical school for motivation... if there wasn't my
teacher who introduced me that and helped founding me songs i liked so much, i
wouldn't be writng this maiol right now- he is the best teacher of all !!!
i have many of the on CD, so if any wants, i'd be glad to sned some mp3 or even
better- make some room on group and i could upload one or two,
yours sincerely Robi
Message: 9
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 11:48:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phil Dirt <>
Subject: Tremolo Picking
When I was a wee lad, my guitar teacher told me that picking on the up
and the down stroke was called double picking. Every guitarist I've
talked to knows that term. That is the only term I heard used until the
last decade or so, not that it wasn't in use before (I don't know).
Here's the point, and it's about words, which have meanings. It seems
to me that tremolo is an incorrect term. Tremolo is a variation pitch
(string bending, whammy, vocals, etc.). Vibrato is a variation in
volume. Double picking is neither. So, I don't understand what
relationship the word "tremolo" has to double picking. I would think
staccato would be better.
Here's the question: Why or how did this term "tremolo" get applied to
double picking? Forgive my ignorance, but several searches have not
satisfied me on this one.
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