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Re: Imagery and Use of Lyrics in Surf Music (was Neil Young...)

stratrhythm - 11 Jun 2005 11:10:44

(1) We try try to evoke or guide the listeners experience simply by
giving the song a name. A name like "Coffin Closer" rather
than "Pipeline" would evoke a different experience in the listener
even if it were the same song. Or in the case of "Pipeline" which
was written with a western in mind, we've guided the listener to the
thought of surfing rather than the old west.
(2) No matter how you come down on the old 'are the Beach Boys
really surf?' question, some of their songs were good examples of
how lyrics could be enlisted to further the goal of creating a
Experience for the listener. I'm probably not alone in saying when I
was a kid, back in landlocked (fill in the blank hometown) I just
knew that if I could just "Catch a wave I'd be sittin' on top of the
But alas, the muse moves where she will.
Nonetheless, it would not entirely surprise me to see someone arise
carrying the banner of surf music with well crafted lyrics and even
commercial success.
Jacob said:
The one thing surf can never replicate is the imagery lyrics can
Sure it can give you a great feel for mood, but lyrics like those go
beyond a simple mood
Marty said:
Instro inspires more than simple mood, or at least if ones
imagination is in good working order it does. I feel that instro
does better
than to replicate the imagery of lyrics. Some lyrics, like the one
you quote
below, kind of guide ya to a specific mood leaving less room for
The lyric below, for most, probably brings up angry thoughts
of ,"how could someone do that" or "that is the sad reality we live
in" or something along those lines. Music without lyrics also guides
the imagination but probably not to the same imaginary destination
as the next guy. And that's whats so great about music without
Eric said:
What you get out of music is all subjective. How's that for an idea.
If all you get out of instrumental music is mood, then that is what
you get from it. I feel that instrumental music can give you imagery,
but it is just more subtle than it is with lyrics. What it seems that
you are saying is that no instrumental music has or will ever achieve
the amount of imagery that a song with lyrics can. This would go for
every piece of instrumental classical music ever written too. The
imagery in a vocal song is usually very straight forward with less
room for interpretation (if any), and you are getting the imagery
because it is what is told to you. With instrumental music, you get
the imagery solely from the music itself, and it is more open for
interpretation. Would instumental music be able to make you think of
homeless crack whore with a baby, probably not, but if that's what a
song makes you think about, then it could I guess. My opinion on
instrumental music is that it can have great imagery, you just have
look for it, actually listen to the music, not just have it told to
you. Instrumental music can also give more than just a "simple mood".
Again, musical interpretation is all subjective.


Gavin Ehringer (windanseabeachboy) - 11 Jun 2005 11:20:30

> Nonetheless, it would not entirely surprise me to see someone arise
> carrying the banner of surf music with well crafted lyrics and even
> commercial success.
I'd argue that Chris Isaac has, on occassion, done just that.


Jacob Dobner (jacobdobner) - 11 Jun 2005 11:30:06

I love Chris Isaak. Not in the way most of his fans do but his music
is great and his TV was really funny. We do a cover of Somebody's
Crying and we good around with Wicked Game every now and then. I'll
try to get a version of Somebody's Crying to you.
--- In , "Gavin Ehringer"
<gavinehringer@e...> wrote:
> I'd argue that Chris Isaac has, on occassion, done just that.
