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instrumental music aesthetics and meanings

DP (noetical1) - 11 Jun 2005 10:53:58

Nice observations. Instrumental music is very
impressionistic: it's an unutterable language that speaks
to something beyond words that we mere humans can totally
relate to in some's like love and nostalgia and
deja vu: can words really represent these feelings and
The old SST surf/instrumental band Lawndale wrote something
once regarding instrumental music: "Because some thing just
can't be put into words". I like that sentiment. Surf
music simply doesn't require words...words are totally
useless in our medium. Unless you're playing "Surfin
Bird"...then the words become meaningless nonsense
musical/rythmic devices in the service of the tune...see
what I mean?
aesthetically yours,
--- Eric <> wrote:
> What you get out of music is all subjective. How's that
> for an idea.
> If all you get out of instrumental music is mood, then
> that is what
> you get from it. I feel that instrumental music can give
> you imagery,
> but it is just more subtle than it is with lyrics. What
> it seems that
> you are saying is that no instrumental music has or will
> ever achieve
> the amount of imagery that a song with lyrics can. This
> would go for
> every piece of instrumental classical music ever written
> too. The
> imagery in a vocal song is usually very straight forward
> with less
> room for interpretation (if any), and you are getting the
> imagery
> because it is what is told to you. With instrumental
> music, you get
> the imagery solely from the music itself, and it is more
> open for
> interpretation. Would instumental music be able to make
> you think of a
> homeless crack whore with a baby, probably not, but if
> that's what a
> song makes you think about, then it could I guess. My
> opinion on
> instrumental music is that it can have great imagery, you
> just have to
> look for it, actually listen to the music, not just have
> it told to
> you. Instrumental music can also give more than just a
> "simple mood".
> Again, musical interpretation is all subjective.
> Eric
> There should be a Neil Young surf tribute album as well
> as an
> instrumental album by the man himself.
> --- In , "Jacob Dobner"
> <jacobdobner@y...> wrote:
> I see a woman in the night
> With a baby in her hand
> Under an old street light
> Near a garbage can
> Now she puts the kid away, and she's gone to get a hit
> She hates her life, and what she's done to it
> There's one more kid that will never go to school
> Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool.
> How is that for an idea.
> The one thing surf can never replicate is the imagery
> lyrics can have.
> Sure it can give you a great feel for mood, but lyrics
> like those go
> beyond a simple mood.
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