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Lava Rats show TOMORROW and other news

Bill Bergstrom (surfbandbill) - 01 Jun 2005 15:59:24

Hey Everyone,
Just a few quick little things... we're playing tomorrow night in our
return to Ireland's 32. It's located at 3rd and Geary in San
Francisco's Richmond District, we go on at 9:00, and the whole affair
is FREE. Check the site for all the skinny.
Speaking of the site -- there are a TON of new pictures up, from
shows dating back to February plus new shots in the "friends and
fans" section. There are also updates in the News and Shows section.
Speaking of shows.... we have a lot of exciting stuff lined up,
including yet another run down to SoCal, so check back frequently for
all that jazz.
See you at the 32 tomorrow -- last time we had such a great turnout,
the bartender wanted to put us on the regular calendar. Hopefully
more of you will come out this time, and show this guy that we do
indeed have the very best fans in the city!
Bill, Rodd, and Taylor
The Lava Rats
