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Dick Dale's Gear on Guitar Geek

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 27 Nov 2001 18:14:08

Have you guys seen
Its a catalog of gear layouts for various guitar & bass players.
DD has his own entry:
2 Dual Showmans!!!!! So my question to those of you who have seen him
live: is he ear shattering loud?
Is the entry accurate about the "Beast"? It says it is a 1950's
strat, but I thought he was playing one of his Fender Custom Shop
signature models these days.


bigtikidude - 27 Nov 2001 23:44:18

-Hey Brian,
Bigtikidude from cowabunga-reverborama. I have seen him about 12
times. He's always pretty loud. But if it is out side or a big hall,
it's not excruciating. But there have been a few times when I've seen
him, and have been 5 to 15 feet in front of him. Ouch!! that is
killer range. Feels like someone is piercing your eardrum with an
icepick. And they ring worse than after a metal or punk show.
You gotta love high range guitar with that reverb drip on it. But
when it gets loud, it really takes its toll.
Been lurking and taking in all the info. Want to start a surf band
someday.I play bass and fiddle around with guitar.
> Have you guys seen
> Its a catalog of gear layouts for various guitar & bass players.
> DD has his own entry:
> 2 Dual Showmans!!!!! So my question to those of you who have seen
> live: is he ear shattering loud?
> Is the entry accurate about the "Beast"? It says it is a 1950's
> strat, but I thought he was playing one of his Fender Custom Shop
> signature models these days.


bighollowtwang - 28 Nov 2001 00:50:37

--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> So my question to those of you who have seen him
> live: is he ear shattering loud?
Yeah...REAL loud. I've seen DD a few times and the first time I was
really unprepared for it. Now this is coming from someone who has
always been accused of playing excruciatingly loud. I've seen plenty
of loud bands, too...but DD's show was the first one that I ever saw
where I was compelled to stick something in my ears. He wasn't just
loud, he was SHRILL. DD really IS louder than Mötörhead.
To be honest, he was a little more toned-down on his last tour. Saw
him at the same venue three times so the room itself isn't a factor.
Interestingly enough, DD doesn't wear any earplugs (the other two
guys do, though). He must be completely deaf by now.


IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 28 Nov 2001 09:26:58

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 wrote:
> Bigtikidude from cowabunga-reverborama. I have seen him about 12
> times. He's always pretty loud. But if it is out side or a big hall,
> it's not excruciating. But there have been a few times when I've seen
> him, and have been 5 to 15 feet in front of him. Ouch!! that is
> killer range. Feels like someone is piercing your eardrum with an
> icepick. And they ring worse than after a metal or punk show.
I had one experience like this - front row in a small club with a small
stage - I was about 10 ft from the FOUR amp cabinets (the bass player also
has two Showman amps, but with two cabs with an 18" speaker each!) - and
they are arranged two on each side of the drums. So, one cab with
2x15" speakers and one cab with a 18", on each side, pointed right at my
head - for an hour and a half! My ears rang for days, literally. It was
worse than My Bloody Valentine, which is notoriously loud. I think DD has
his Showmans cranked to 8-10 range on the volume, which gives him a pretty
overdriven sound, and it's just very spiky (dynamic) and a killer on
ears. Even for me, who loves loud guitar - to the detriment of my band


mctippens - 28 Nov 2001 17:45:51

The loudest thing I've ever experienced was Agent Orange at a club called Music
Machine in Santa Monica in the mid-80's. They even had signs on the walls that
cautioned about the intense volume. I telked to Mike about this some years later
and he said it was a promotional gimmick that their manager had come up with at
the time. I wore hearing protection but I really feel sory for anyone who
didn't. I still have one of the warning posters.
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 wrote:
> > Bigtikidude from cowabunga-reverborama. I have seen him about 12
> > times. He's always pretty loud. But if it is out side or a big hall,
> > it's not excruciating. But there have been a few times when I've seen
> > him, and have been 5 to 15 feet in front of him. Ouch!! that is
> > killer range. Feels like someone is piercing your eardrum with an
> > icepick. And they ring worse than after a metal or punk show.
> I had one experience like this - front row in a small club with a small
> stage - I was about 10 ft from the FOUR amp cabinets (the bass player also
> has two Showman amps, but with two cabs with an 18" speaker each!) - and
> they are arranged two on each side of the drums. So, one cab with
> 2x15" speakers and one cab with a 18", on each side, pointed right at my
> head - for an hour and a half! My ears rang for days, literally. It was
> worse than My Bloody Valentine, which is notoriously loud. I think DD has
> his Showmans cranked to 8-10 range on the volume, which gives him a pretty
> overdriven sound, and it's just very spiky (dynamic) and a killer on
> ears. Even for me, who loves loud guitar - to the detriment of my band
> mates!
> StratoCossack
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