does anyone feel like hooking me up with a tab for "The Defector" by
The Space Cossacks and "Numbers Follow Answers" by Man Or Astroman?
I know that the second one should be an easy one but i just can't get
it right.
by the way has anyone tried out the digitech reverb pedal?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: threw_it_away [mailto:]
> does anyone feel like hooking me up with a tab for "The Defector" by
> The Space Cossacks and "Numbers Follow Answers" by Man Or Astroman?
> I know that the second one should be an easy one but i just can't get
> it right.
The Defector is probably my favorite Spack Cossacks songs. I believe it
actually has 3 guitar parts, lead, rhythm, and the reverbed chunking/click
track. I might be able to help with the lead. I'll put it on my list of
songs to learn. Judging by Ivan's silence lately I think he is busy doing
his PhD dissertation.
I've never heard of the MoAM? tune. Is it a single or something?
Maybe "The Name of Numbers?"
--- Brian Neal <> wrote:
>"Numbers Follow Answers" by Man Or Astroman?
> I've never heard of the MoAM? tune. Is it a single
> or something?
> BN
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it was "Psychology of A.I. (Numbers Follow Answers), My Bad