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Beach Party Thank You/ and band wages

Stewd Dude (surfaliciousdude1) - 04 May 2005 19:52:12

Sorry for taking so long to get around to this, just not enough hours in the day
Thank You to:
Joe's Restaurant
Mister Neutron
Lewd & Sticky Dudes
Unsteady Freddie
and NESMA (for without NESMA, we may all have never met, and this show might not
have happened)
A special Thank You to our dear Friend Unsteady Freddie (not Freddy LMAO) for
trekking all the way up north to see the show, for emceeing, and for a Great
review. Freddie, is your pay pal account still valid? I'll forward payment for
your kind remarks!
SPF 4! I loved your classic sounds! In fact, I sometimes miss playing the
classics in their natural format! ( didn't you know it is proper edicate to
invite the host to play a tune? LMAO, just kidding) Your show was clean and well
played. Thank you for helping to make this show a success!
Not many of you know that there were some last minute changes to the line up for
the show due to scheduling difficulties and other technical difficulties.
Mister Neutron was to open the show, however Damien and the guys were very
flexible in working with us. They gave up the first slot for SPF 4. Now, if that
was not enough, they were looking forward to being anchor for the show. I
overheard someone in the crowd make a comment about no vocals. I guess they were
expecting The Beach Boys! LMAO. So, in an attempt to keep things going smoothly,
I asked Mister Neutron if they could take second set, because I've heard these
guys and knew how versatile they are. Mister Neutron took the stage and mixed in
some vocals, originals, and blues with some surf, it could not have been a
better mix. They held the crowd and Surfalicious Dudes went up at 1am and played
out the rest of the night. Of course, as Freddie mentioned, Lewd was shredding
like no tomorrow and sticky was on top of his game, he is always a crowd
pleaser! ...............And the "Old Man" just smiled!
So, Thank you also to Mister Neutron, lewd and sticky Dudes too!
Thank you to Joe's Restaurant for getting behind the show and treating our guest
musicians like the talented people they are! Read on....
Now for the good news! As some of you know, I insisted that the club be
responsible for the door and guarantee the bands their fair due wages. I did
this for a few reasons. First and foremost, I am sick and tired of clubs taking
the lions share of the door, and paying some numbnut more money than any
musician will make that night to sit on their ass with no investment made and
collect money (most of the time skimming more than their share, to boot) If a
club wants to charge at the door, so be it, let them have it, pay me what I'm
worth and not a cent more. When the owners then see that a band draws a crowd,
the bands wages will be based on that.
Secondly, when the club stands to make it or break it at the door, ( since they
actually have to PAY the bands) they are more likely to get behind the show and
PROMOTE IT! While we did not have a packed house, we had a fairly large crowd
and exposed some newbie's to "real" Surf music! The show was a definite success,
per the owners!
After the show, I got to sit and have a beer with the club owner. I asked him
what he thought of the "Surf Night". He said he enjoyed it and wants to do
more!!!! When He went to get the money from the door and counted it, ( I was
right there and witnessed what came in at the door) he was very pleased that he
ONLY had to take $100 from the bar to pay the nights expenses! Now, how's that
for a change of attitude! He was happy to have made money at the bar and on
food, the bands got paid, and Joe's wants to have another surf night!!!!
everyone wins!
So, Thanks to all, and to all a good night!
High on Surf,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
