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Unsteady Freddie (schizofredric) - 04 May 2005 17:07:07

Hello Bungans -
As you probably know by now, Jim Pash, original Surfari and
leader of the version of the band that I have been playing with
since 1990, passed away over this last weekend due to
complications following a couple of severe episodes of heart
failure. Several of you have already expressed your sympathy,
which is much appreciated by his family, friends and
bandmates. We take comfort in knowing that Jim is now living
free of his infirmaries and at peace in the arms of his Saviour.
I do not have the precise medical explanation for his death just
now; what it boils down to is that many of his organs simply gave
out. He was a pretty high-strung guy, and in recent years it was
evident that his daily stress level was taking its toll. Apparently,
when his heart failed, the rest of him failed as well.
Jim was a true champion of authentic surf music. His goal for
the Surfaris was that they should continue as the most genuine
representation of the original surf sound that one could
experience today. He was insistent that all the parts be played
true to the original spirit.
Though his playing was admittedly "spotty" in recent years as his
health declined, when he was ON he was an outstanding lead
guitarist in the Dick Dale style. I offer his rendering of "Miserlou"
on his final recording (our '03 CD release, Basic Tracks) as
exhibit A of this fact. But on top of this, he was the best "surf"
sax player I've ever worked with: he was the only guy I ever heard
who could honk out a "Tequila" that fully stood up against the
original (Chuck Rio, the Champs...)
It was evident to all who knew him that Jim was one-of-a-kind...
the classic "eccentric genius," always pursuing one inventive
project or another; in the late '80s, he and Don Murray (drummer
for the band 'til HIS untimely passing in '96) worked tirelessly on
a pilot project they had devised for a proposed animated cartoon
series; in the process they pulled in $1.5 million venture capital
and employed thirty people in the project, which barely missed
its goal of beiing picked up for syndication. They also developed
something they called "Interactor" - a precursor to the DVD; this
was an LP that allowed kids to choose different options for the
record to play in telling a story, with up to 3000 possible
variations of the story.
This was the mind of Jim Pash.
And then there was his "Harp of David" project. Jim was a deeply
committed Christian and a student of biblical lore; his
fascination with the Psalms of David led him to do extensive
original research into discovering just how these musical
poems must have sounded at the time of their creation. This led
him to actually manufacture instruments to the "specs" that he
determined to be accurate; he then developed a seminar on this
ancient music that he gave to churches or other interested
groups, in which he demonstrated the "authentic" music of the
Psalms. (Seems that his penchant for "authenticity" in music
was not just limited to surf...)
When the Surfaris toured, Jim would usually carry one of his
harps onto the plane, which would invariably invite questions
from other travelers. We used to jokingly say, "Pity the poor
unsuspecting guy who sits down next to Jim on the plane and
ventures to ask, 'Gee, what's that thing?'" because ready or not,
he was in for a lecture on ancient biblical music that would not
stop until the plane touched down at its destination.
This was the passion of Jim Pash.
Frankly, many of Jim's eccentricities used to "drive us up the
wall." But now, in retrospect, these traits are remembered only
as positively endearing marks of a truly unique and wonderful
person (all the moreso because we shall not have the
opportunity to share in them again for yet a little while).
And when we do have the pleasure to see him again, I expect
we'll find him hanging out with David, engaged in intense
discussion over the nuances of ancient music...
The Surfaris will continue on; we already have several gigs
booked for the coming season (see my online calendar, linked
below); we are in the process of "regrouping" for this, and we
are confident that the band will continue to fulfill the vision that
Jim always had for it.
There will be a memorial sevice for Jim this coming Monday, May
9 at 10 AM, at:
Wiefel & Sons Mortuary
5728 Yucca Trail
Yucca Valley, CA
Or if you would care to pay respects to his surviving wife, Linda,
and his kids, you may send it to:
5530 Elata Ave
Yucca Valley CA 92284
- pj
Paul Johnson
rock instrumentals
