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Re: [SurfGuitar101] ... on Strats - Michael and Mustangs -Vincent

Michael S Springer (frodopogo) - 13 Apr 2005 00:34:57

Thanks sooooooo much for the excellent reply;
it's starting to make sense now.
From what you say though, much of what you dislike
about the Strat sound could be changed with
either the inductance plates, or just less trebley pickups.
Maybe a Jaguar pickup at the bridge???j
<That> would set it apart from your typical blues Strat!
And actually, there are a lot of people who don't like
the Strat's bridge pickup- that's why so many rockers
put a humbucker in the bridge, and blues players
can ignore that pickup 'cause so many just use the neck pickup
or combo positions. And getting a tone control on that bridge pickup
wouldn't hurt either!
From what you say, my reaction to the Mosrite copy
was as much to the design as to anything else.
I guess it's just not everybody's cup of tea.
Actually, <I> didn't start on a Strat-
my first guitar was a horrible Kay classic,
but my first electric was-
get this Vincent-
a white Fender Mustang with a tortoiseshell pickguard!
(probably a 1965 model- I got it used in 1966!)
Is it good for surf??? Well, I played Pipeline and Wipeout
on it, but aside from that I'm new to surf, so the others
here could say much better how good it is.
I think I do better with the longer scale length of a Strat,
and lighter gauge strings, so I'm not sorry I sold it long ago.
I find using the round corners of a standard Fender medium or heavy
pick are helping me pick much faster without the pick hanging up on the
strings. Picking near the bridge helps too.
The Jaguar, not the Strat, was the guitar I spent the most time
ogling in the 1967 Fender catalog- I just thought it looked cooler.
The Strat had too much white plastic on it!
I think the big problem with the Jaguar was that Leo Fender
intended to be the Cadillac of the Fender line, and the price reflected
Now, if he'd had an economy Jaguar, with no binding, and a Mustang
or JM control setup... all those little chrome plates look cool,
but they had to add a lot to the labor costs.
But I suppose such a Jag wouldn't have been the same.
have you checked out the German E-bay?
I know of a Danish guitarist who shops
for stuff there all the time, and has found some
great deals on good stuff.
He sold a Fender Twin Reverb not too long ago,
but it had been changed from the original appearance.
He sold it because it was really too loud and too clean for
his style and gigs. So you might find another blackface
owner who feels the same.
Also, if you buy a Fender in Europe, it should already have
the right transformer for the higher voltage.
That's another reason for not buying them in the US, beside shipping.
There are some minor modifications an amp tech can do
to certain silverface Fenders called "blackfacing the circuit",
so a silverface will sound like a blackface.
JM's and Strats the same scale length???
I guess I've just been "eggfaced"! ;^)
(not the first time, and it usually has to do with numbers...
not good at them things, I am always forgetting them, scrambling them, we
just don't
get along too well!)
