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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Digestible JMs, Jags, & Mosrites vs. Indigestible Strats????

Michael S Springer (frodopogo) - 12 Apr 2005 01:02:01

Hi Dano!
>*Please don't flame me for my opinions of the Strat.
NOT flaming, but as a Strat player, just curious...
What is it that you find missing from the Strat's tone?
Is there a describable quality the JM/Jag trem adds to the tone?
Convince me, persuade me!
Or is it more a pickup thing?
Or is the neck/bridge combo the deal?
Since the JM is long scale, and the Jaguar is short scale,
I don't think the scale is the crucial issue.
The Strat's in the middle of the two scale-wise.
>IMHO there are only a
>couple of people who can pull off strat surf and have it sound good.
Ivan of
>The Madeira and/or The Space Cossacks is one.
Dick Dale??
You seemed to think the Ghastly Ones' guitarist did pretty well, eh?
I kind of wish you'd <asked> him
1.Why a Strat?
(maybe he's waiting to see how far the band's revival goes
before investing in another Mosrite, or maybe he's hunting for a good
Or maybe he moonlights in a blues band! ;^)
2. What do you have in that thing, pickup-wise?
(maybe there's a way of jaguarizing a Strat...
and I suspect that's the reason... there are so many pickups
available for a Strat that maybe you can tweak it into surfiness.
The Strat is the chameleon of electric guitars, especially once you start
tweaking it.)
One thing that may be a factor... the Jaguar
has metal combs around the pickups that add inductance,
which is also what a Telecaster's bridge does by surrounding
the bridge pickup with metal... it seems to thicken the twang,
cut some highs, and make it less piercing.
Some kind of inductance plate is fairly easy to add to a Strat pickup;
there is one Custom Shop Strat model, the Custom Classic,
that comes stock with one under the bridge pup..
Also, have you heard a Cyclone II,
the model that comes with 3 Jaguar pickups and
a Strat trem in a Mustang body?
>Why cheat a blues band out of
> a guitar?
LOL- gotta admit, that's a great line!
> Play a Jag, JM or Mosrite.
Is it possible that it's at least partly an emotional thing
in the sense that a Jag, JM, or Mosrite
is almost like a badge that says "Surf Guitarist"
whereas a Strat is so....undefined?
(and many bluesers <don't> play Strats, and not all Strat players play
So general purpose?
Does that make it somehow "blah"?
Sort of utilitarian, like driving a Toyota Corolla?
Or.... a Dodge minivan???
(Corolla and Caravan drivers, don't flame me,
I drive an old Camry, as utilitarian a vehicle as you can get! ;^)
But you have to admit-
It's easy to find a Strat to buy- and easier to find
a buyer for a Strat you need to sell!
I've played a real Jaguar,
and a long scale Jagmaster...
I found both rather nice actually!
(so I suspect I'd like a real JM)
I've only played a Mosrite <copy>...
and it felt <very> strange...
Can you put your finger on what quality
draws Mosrite players to that guitar?
Anyway, it sounds like you may have more than one reason
for your antipathy to Strats.
Thanks for any light you can shed on this!


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 12 Apr 2005 17:19:10

--- In , Michael S Springer
<springerms@j...> wrote:
> Since the JM is long scale, and the Jaguar is short scale,
> I don't think the scale is the crucial issue.
> The Strat's in the middle of the two scale-wise.
The Strat and Jazzmaster have the same scale length: 25.5".
