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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Anyone remember?

pwrose1 - 07 Apr 2005 22:38:11

The theme music for the TV series "War Of The Worlds"?
Bill, the indentured surf


Jacob Dobner (jacobdobner) - 07 Apr 2005 22:59:37

The Space Cossacks do a good cover of that tune. It is on the LP for
Interstellar Stomp. I was disappointed when I found it wasn't on the CD.
--- In , pwrose@j... wrote:
> The theme music for the TV series "War Of The Worlds"?
> Bill, the indentured surf


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 08 Apr 2005 07:57:01

The Space Cossacks are covering a song by The Atlantics there, I don't
believe it has anything to do with a TV show. The Atlantics were
really ahead of their time with that song with all the pick scrapes,
implied nuclear blasts, and bird noises. Far out stuff. I recommend
The Atlantics Complete CBS Recordings, volumes 1 and 2 on Cane Toad
records for anyone curious about this legendary 60's band from
Australia. There is some filler on there, but the good songs are
really, really great.
On Apr 7, 2005 10:59 PM, Jacob Dobner <> wrote:
> The Space Cossacks do a good cover of that tune. It is on the LP for
> Interstellar Stomp. I was disappointed when I found it wasn't on the CD.
> --- In , pwrose@j... wrote:
> > The theme music for the TV series "War Of The Worlds"?
> >
> > Bill, the indentured surf


Jacob Dobner (jacobdobner) - 08 Apr 2005 09:37:38

I knew it was an Atlantics song bu I had no idea the song had nothign
to do with the TV show. I just assumed it did since I have the Venture
TV theme albums and I assumed from that, that covering TV themes was cool.
--- In , Brian Neal <bgneal@g...> wrote:
> Jacob,
> The Space Cossacks are covering a song by The Atlantics there, I don't
> believe it has anything to do with a TV show. The Atlantics were
> really ahead of their time with that song with all the pick scrapes,
> implied nuclear blasts, and bird noises. Far out stuff. I recommend
> The Atlantics Complete CBS Recordings, volumes 1 and 2 on Cane Toad
> records for anyone curious about this legendary 60's band from
> Australia. There is some filler on there, but the good songs are
> really, really great.
> BN
> On Apr 7, 2005 10:59 PM, Jacob Dobner <jacobdobner@y...> wrote:
> >
> > The Space Cossacks do a good cover of that tune. It is on the LP for
> > Interstellar Stomp. I was disappointed when I found it wasn't on
the CD.
> >
> > --- In , pwrose@j... wrote:
> > > The theme music for the TV series "War Of The Worlds"?
> > >
> > > Bill, the indentured surf


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 08 Apr 2005 11:52:11

In the liner notes it says that the band originally titled the song
World War III, but the label had some "issues" with that and it was
renamed to War of the Worlds. That song is kind of like a mini-opera,
they had it all planned out. It starts out ominous, leading to the
war, then the war with all of it's explosive force (and pick
scrapes :), and in the aftermath more optimistic as at least we can
hear the birds chirping, so we know everything is going to recover.
The Atlantics are one of those bands I would build a time machine for
and go see them live. It must have been a thunderous experience with
Express to Bagdhad, War of the Worlds, Bombora, Shark Attack, etc, etc.
And they might win some kind of award for the most number of songs
that end in "Stomp" too. :-)
That link to that video that Klas posted a while back was very cool!
--- In , "Jacob Dobner"
<jacobdobner@y...> wrote:
> I knew it was an Atlantics song bu I had no idea the song had nothign
> to do with the TV show. I just assumed it did since I have the
> TV theme albums and I assumed from that, that covering TV themes was


ipongrac - 08 Apr 2005 13:32:15

Jacob, Brian is totally right. The song had nothing to do with the
show. he also got all the other stuff on the Atlantics right.
Incidentally, the last couple of days I've been listening to a lot
of Australian surf instros. It's really great stuff. Besides the
Atlantics, there were also the Joy Boys and the Denvermen, both
bands releasing full albums and a bunch of singles and both bands
being quite excellent (though not as great as the Atlantics - but
then, IMHO, to me they are still the ultimate surf instro band -
nobody has come even close to them, either in the sixties or in more
modern times - they're simply the shit.) What is surprising is how
vibrant of a surf music scene Australia actually had. Of course, it
was no match for the American scene, but as far as good instro stuff
I think it could actually rival or even exceed the UK scene, for
example. A comp from a couple of years ago called "Board Boogie"
captures that very well. 30 tracks by sixties Aussie surf bands,
and some of the tracks are truly fantastic. If you can find
it, "W&G Instrumental Story" CD is also great, containing the
Echos' "Bajjad", for example - as covered by the Apemen (but much
better in the original, I think) plus several other Atlantics-
inspired energy blasts.
--- In , "Brian Neal" <bgneal@g...>
> Jacob,
> In the liner notes it says that the band originally titled the
> World War III, but the label had some "issues" with that and it
> renamed to War of the Worlds. That song is kind of like a mini-
> they had it all planned out. It starts out ominous, leading to the
> war, then the war with all of it's explosive force (and pick
> scrapes :), and in the aftermath more optimistic as at least we
> hear the birds chirping, so we know everything is going to
> The Atlantics are one of those bands I would build a time machine
> and go see them live. It must have been a thunderous experience
> Express to Bagdhad, War of the Worlds, Bombora, Shark Attack, etc,
> And they might win some kind of award for the most number of songs
> that end in "Stomp" too. :-)
> That link to that video that Klas posted a while back was very
> BN
> --- In , "Jacob Dobner"
> <jacobdobner@y...> wrote:
> >
> > I knew it was an Atlantics song bu I had no idea the song had
> > to do with the TV show. I just assumed it did since I have the
> Venture
> > TV theme albums and I assumed from that, that covering TV themes
> cool.


pwrose1 - 09 Apr 2005 20:56:17

-- In , Brian Neal <bgneal@g...> wrote:
> Jacob,
> The Space Cossacks are covering a song by The Atlantics there, I don't
> believe it has anything to do with a TV show.
The Atlantics Complete CBS Recordings, volumes 1 and 2 on Cane Toad
> records for anyone curious about this legendary 60's band from
> Australia. There is some filler on there, but the good songs are
> really, really great.
> BN
Interesting. The guy that did the TV series music for War
Of The Worlds (circa 1988-1990) was an Australian named Billy
I found listings for several of his albums, but no WOTW song titles.
The song itself would be a really great surf spin-off, I think.
Percussive, fast and lots of punch.
Maybe I'll try an pick it out for the next SG101 MP3 cookoff. :>)
Bill, the indentured surf
